Bermuda's Food & Drinks
This is a short video about the traditional and other unique food and beverages of Bermuda. For details, go through If you are visiting Bermuda, then here are some of the culinary delights that you must try out... some of them are Bermuda's very own. CODFISH BREAKFAST is one of the traditional and balanced breakfasts which is prevalent in Bermuda since the time of early settlement on the island. At present, many Bermudians enjoy the treat mostly on Sundays. It comprises of salted codfish topped with a sauce, hard-boiled egg, chopped banana, boiled potatoes, and avocadi slices. Several local restaurants serve the dish including Paraquet Restaurant located in Paget. CODFISH CAKES are also equally popular on the island. These too are made using salted codfish, boiled potatoes and several other ingredients. Some of the great places to try them out are Art Mel's Spicy & Dicey located at the outskirts of Hamilton City and Paraquet in Paget. However, Art Mel's is really famous for its superb FISH SANDWICHES that are made with raisin bread and fried local fish such as Rockfish or Wahoo. You can get other types of bread as well including wheat bread. The quantity is huge. Another great place to try out Fish Sandwich is at Rosa's in Hamilton. Another great item here is the BERMUDA RUM CAKES... these cakes are prepared with a little dash of local rum and they come in different wonderful flavours including lemon and vanilla. You can get them at Bermuda Rumcake Company located at the Royal Naval Dockyard. A must-try soup in Bermuda which is served in most Bermudian restaurants is BERMUDA FISH CHOWDER. It is usually prepared with ground heads of rockfish, Outerbridge's Sherry Pepper and Gosling's Black Seal Rum. If you are fond of seafood, then do try out BERMUDA SPINY LOBSTERS that are usually available from September through March. These are smaller in size compared to the ones from Maine, but their tails are longer and meatier. You can get them in all seafood restaurants here including Lobster Pot, Blu Bar & Grill etc. Another traditional favourite in Bermuda is MUSSEL PIE... ingredients for fillings include mussel meat boiled in fish stock or water, diced carrots, celery, onion, potatoes, butter, flour, thyme, salt, pepper etc. Few other traditional dishes include SHARK HASH which is available only in selective places these days, PEAS N' RICE etc. TRADITIONAL AFTERNOON TEA is very popular in Bermuda and almost all Bermudians indulge in this between 3 to 5pm daily. It is like a traditional full English tea and comes with finger sandwiches, scones, sweets and cookies and of course fine tea served on china pots. Several places including Sweet P at St. George serve afternoon tea.