Hotel Jobs in Bermuda

Hotel and Hospitality industry used to be the biggest job provider in Bermuda. However the International Business that has flourished over the years in Bermuda has overtaken the tourism and hospitality industry and has become one of the largest employment providers in the island. 
But, the hotels and tourism industry remains as a significant contributor to Bermuda's economy and offers many job opportunities. Like any other jobs, here too Bermudians are given preference over expatriates. 
But there is a large gap between demand and the supply, so there is always job prospects for all including expatriates. Another important thing about the hotels industry is that it requires most of the staff to be working through holidays, week-ends and even in night shifts. This is the nature of the industry where services are required to be provided round the clock and all seven days a week. 
This odd service hour requirement in the hotel jobs has been a major deterrent for the local Bermudians to pursue their career in hotels industry. They prefer to take up jobs in other industry where the work-life balance is far easier. So, this has opened up the hotel jobs widely to the expatriates. You can come in from other countries on a work permit and take up a job on a contract basis, i.e., for a fixed period. The contract can get renewed subject to the term limit of the work permit. 
While the overall job capacity in the hotel industry had been gradually falling over the last several years, recently though there has been an upward swing. Some large hotel constructions have started taking place in Bermuda which gives a very positive signal. There are few more hotels whose plans are being approved by the Bermuda government. 
This has been further augmented by some cheap airlines that have started operating between Bermuda and countries like Canada and US. Remember, visitors who come by air require hotel accommodations and not those who come by cruise. So increase in aircraft passengers is crucial to the development of hotels industry in Bermuda. 
Following are the commonly advertised Bermuda hotel jobs that are usually in demand: 
  • Waiters: You will need working experience in good restaurants, and knowledge of wines and beverages. 
  • Chefs: There are wide scale openings that exist in hotels. However, you will need to have relevant experience in well recognized hotels. 
  • Spa Attendants: Experience in customer care, previous experience in Spa or Massage centers is required. 
  • Massage Therapists: You will require proper massage therapy qualification and experience in a well recognized massage center. You should also preferably have good Knowledge in various treatments offered as part of massage therapy. 
  • Beauty Therapists: Should have appropriate qualification and several years of experience. 
  • Hairdressers: There are a lot of expatriate opportunities available in Bermuda for hairdresser jobs. You will need to have proper qualification and experience. 
    All client facing roles will require excellent spoken English. 

    How to Apply for a job in Bermuda?

    Employers in Bermuda advertise regularly in the local daily The Royal Gazette. You can scan the online publications of the newspaper or check the Bermuda Recruitment Agencies to find out who are the specialist hiring agencies for Bermuda employment and apply for a job. 
    Raj BhattacharyaBy Raj Bhattacharya 
    Raj, a seasoned travel writer and Bermuda destination expert, has extensive global travel experience. This website reflects his profound insights, garnered over nearly two decades of dedicated findings and research on the island. Raj has assisted countless Bermuda-bound visitors by providing direct, personalized responses to their queries and imparting his wealth of knowledge through this platform. This site serves as an indispensable guide for those seeking informed and reliable insights into Bermuda's treasures. 
    Know more about Raj Bhattacharya 

    Related Articles

    1) Check Bermuda Employment to know about all the job categories in Bermuda that offer high opportunities of employment. 
    2) Check Jobs in Bermuda to know all about what it takes to get the right job in Bermuda. 

    Visitors' Reviews and Comments

    Joao Manuel Carrio Da Silva (April 2017) 
    Good Morning Mr. Raj , I am waiting for my work permit comes out to work in Hamilton Princess Hotel as a waiter and I want to ask you a few questions if you now. 1) The hotel a good place to work? They told me I can make a 900 dollars or more  a week, is that good for a waiter in Bermuda?, 2) they offer the accommodation in a guest house, do you now if the guest houses are ok? 3) Can I bring my laptop and iPhone for personal use without pay any tax in the airport. Thank you very much for your time . Best regards , 
    Raj (, April 2017) 
    Hello, Hamilton Princess is one of the best hotels in Bermuda. With accommodation provided and $900 a week, it is a fair pay for waiters. you can bring iPhone, laptop etc of personal use without paying duties. While I haven't personally checked the guesthouse accommodations for waiters at Hamilton Princess, I have met several waiters of the hotel and other similar hotels of repute such as Fairmont Southampton, and I haven't heard of complaints. Expect basic amenities though. 
    Brian Lobo (May 2014) 
    Hello Raj, I am an Indian national and planning to work in Bermuda, is it much difficult to get to Bermuda on an Indian passport. Also how is the salary for working in hotel industry although i am a commerce graduate. Is the work permit transferable, I mean can i change jobs on the same work permit? Thanks in advance 
    Raj (, March 2013) 
    Many Indians work in hotels in Bermuda. Salary is average by Bermuda standards. You can not change your job on the same work permit. 
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