Fond Memories of Bermuda

This page is for all those who lived in Bermuda once and like to share the memories. This is a great opportunity to lock in your fond memories of Bermuda for years to come and ensure that it does not fade away with time. 

Ordered by Older to Recent Posts

My family and I lived on Whale Bay Road, Bermuda from July 1982 to July 1984. We lived at Cuan Cottage during this time. Whale Bay Beach was the best place in the world to us for the 2 years we spent in lovely Bermuda Islands. 
Our daughter's Marylou and Michele loved these 2 years on the island. I worked at the Canadian Military Base at Daniels Head in Sandys/Somerset. My wife Bethena worked at the US Naval Stn Annex in Southampton, for US Naval PX Store. 
Whale Bay Beach was used by the family each and everyday during the summer months. Our youngest daughter Michele passed away from Cancer in March 2009, we are sorry we never got to return to this beautiful area before her passing. 
We will always have fond memories of the sights, sounds and people of Bermuda, they were the best. Bermuda is the friendly Island of the world. 
Peter Palmer (Posted June 2009) 
I love your website! It has been a dream of mine for many years to return to where I was born! I have three different birth certificates, and am not quite sure exactly what part of Bermuda I was born. I am trying desperately to figure this out!  I could spend hours looking at this beautiful place on my computer! I am so proud to have been born there! I am so lucky to have found your website today! Thank you so much! Have a blessed day! Yours truly,  
Patricia Gale Cook (Posted July 2009) 
Ed wrote to me sharing his living experience in Bermuda. He lived in a large house at the picturesque Flatts Village which is located in Hamilton Parish and quite close to St. George at the eastern end of the island. Flatts used to be a busy marine port until the 1850s. It has become a sleepy fishing village since. Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo is located here right across the Flatts Bridge. Here is what Ed wrote 
Raj Bhattacharya (April 2011) 
When I was a child, my Uncle, Donald Wellington and his wife Helene moved from Cheltenham UK to Bermuda. It was delightful to receive gifts from them and one that sticks in my mind is a postcard of Bermuda which was a record. It played the song, "When ever she sits down, she sits on me" how we kids laughed and sang it often.  
Over the years, this record has been lost and I would very much like to try and obtain a copy, was it the Talbot Bros?? can you help please?  I visited the island twice 20 years ago and now, my daughter, now 34 years old has just visited which has prompted my desire to re-ignite the family memories! kind regards, and thanking you in anticipation. 
Lynsey Wellington (Posted November 2011) 
The year was 1957 and I was 19 years old when I applied for a job as a secretary at the beautiful Castle Harbour Hotel in Bermuda. To my surprise my dream job became a reality. I was the youngest on staff and the doorman had to take notes of my coming and going in the evening. We had a staff club on top of the hill to the left of the hotel entrance where the "white" staff would meet for a Paulie Girl Beer and play some darts.  
We were not allowed to date the guests of the hotel or the coloured staff. It was forbidden. I was employed there for a year under contract and was a secretary to the General Manager, Mr. Howard Hohl.  I remember him well.  I worked also for the Publicity Director, Miss Page Davis and sent photographs of the new arrival guests to their home newspapers. I worked 6 days a week for 40L week.  
There were no deductions for income tax.  I received all my meals for free and had a guest room upstairs. When the hotel was busy the staff would be allowed to stay at Sound House on Harrington Sound and a chauffeur would pick us up in the morning for work at 9 a.m. 
I enjoyed my year at the "Castle" and all the friends I met there.  I even fell in Love there for the first time and walked many a night on Horseshoe Bay in the moonlight with a Bermudian named "Rocky". Oh, those memories are fabulous ones and I think of them often. I want to return one day and stay as a guest in paradise! That is my dream! 
Karen Kristoff (Posted February 2012) 
During my ships visits to Bermuda in 1961 and 1962 I did some Scuba Diving and also went up to see the old Fort St. Catherine. And every time I see the photo of one of the large guns that was put up to defend the Island I still wonder why it took so long to fix up the fort so others could enjoy it also. 
When we got married in 1966 I took my Bride to Bermuda for our June honeymoon. We stayed at the Coral Island Hotel* close to the Aquarium. It was great and the staff was wonderful. We scooter biked from St. George to Somerset Bridge and even took the horse drawn carriage ride in Hamilton. As I look at my 16/6/65 Handy reference map of Bermuda, it brings back wonderful memoryies. 
Lee Carter (Posted June 2012) 
* Note for readers: Coral Island Hotel was an old hotel in the Flatts Village. It was later demolished to build condominiums. 
When my husband retired in September, 1998 he was presented with American Airline Tickets to wherever he would like to go.  I surfed the Web and found what seemed to me to be the perfect place - a Christian Resort named Willowbank, Sandy Bay, Bermuda. So, I purchased my own airline tickets, made reservations at Willowbank, and we embarked upon an amazing journey. 
First of all, the flight was relatively short, and when we got to Bermuda the people were so very polite. We hired a taxi and discovered the resort was on the other side of the island from the airport, but "Yeah, Mon" it didn't take very long since there was little traffic. The weather was perfect while we visited, and we fell in love with the colorful pastel houses with white roofs. There was a trail which once was a railroad track, and we walked the entire length of that trail. We also took a boat across a small bay to the other side of the island and visited the tourist attractions there. 
When we registered we were directed to a small, one bedroom cabin that faced the waterfront. We loved sitting out there, watching the spectacular sunsets. The island is so quiet and serene. We loved it. This resort is an all-inclusive....the first time we had visited such a resort. 
They did not serve lunch, but full breakfast, and tea time at 3 PM, with scones, tea, Danish rolls, and a lot of other snacks. Then, at evening meal, Herbie the Chef prepared different entrees for each night. Herbie's cooking was excellent, and I remember he always came out during the serving period and joked with the customers. 
We were only here for a week but fell in love with the island and their friendly people. We walked everywhere, and talked with the natives, discovered that the island gets very little rain, so they when they do have rain, the people store their water. We loved that vacation which was so relaxing and wonderful and recently, looking again for a Caribbean vacation, discovered sadly that Willowbank closed it's doors as of November, 2011. Bummer! 
Yes, was a Christian resort but we were never felt like we were forced to attend any of the gatherings. You could, or not - your choice. This, I felt was a great place to visit and would have returned again should it have been available. 
Norma Clark Roberts 
(Posted January 2013) 
My mother was born in Bermuda 1928. I visited there three times. The first time was 1977. I noticed straight away the way that people didn't rush around, like us over here in the UK. Everyone was friendly. I wasn't used to that and when people said 'Good Morning, How are you?' I thought it was wonderful. I always remember the beautiful Island and the wonderful beaches and I felt like I was in a dream. 
I returned in 1979 and again in 1988 with my son to visit my relatives, The Thornes and The Pedros. I read the Bermuda News now and I can't believe the amount of crime going on, Gun Crime and robberies. I think the people that are spoiling it for everyone don't seem to realize that they are living on one of the world's most beautiful islands and it really hurts me inside to know that they don't appreciate what they have. I hope that one day the Island will be a safe haven but that's going to take some time. 
Tina Haigh (Posted February 2013) 
As a young man in my mid 20's, around December of 1968 I moved to Bermuda as the Timing and Ranging Engineer for the Bermuda Tracking Station at St. George Bermuda, and supported Apollo Missions 9 through 12. While there, I resided in the Bridge House's guest quarters located on Harrington Sound next to its inlet bridge (the tidal currents must have exceeded 10 knots). There was a little piano bar on the road adjacent to me. It was a great retreat. 
Also, that time the owner (family) of the Bridge House owned a Glass Bottom boat which he used take tourist out to walk on the bottom of the ocean (with diving helmets) to watch the tropical fish (Bermuda is the most Northern point on the globe with tropical fish). 
I belonged to the Princess Hotel and Golf Club and enjoyed the shopping, fine dining and night-clubs. It was a very enjoyable year and, of course, as I left Bermuda in January of 1970 the Apollo 12 Mission was my last mission with NASA and Apollo 13 was a failure. The Sailing there was the best in the world.  
Roy L McKinney 
(Posted April 2013) 
Hello, my in-laws stayed at the Mermaid Beach hotel for many years back in the 70's. They would bring home some beautiful sterling silver bracelets. Which I still wear! I thought she called them "slave bracelets". I have been trying to find them on the web. But I am unable to. 
I just spoke with my mother in-law who is in a nursing home. I asked what the name of the shop was. Of course she does not remember it. She is elderly lol. But she knows "it was up a steep hill going out of the main road " in a silver shop. The bracelets are just a plain sterling bangle with a little engraving in them and they have pointed ends . 
Kathleen Croft (Posted April 2013) 
Note for readers 
Mermaid Beach Club and Hotel was located in Warwick Parish on the south shore and was a popular hotel until early 1990s. It was then demolished to create a condo / resort complex named The Breakers
Raj ( 
In 1972 my wife and I were given the privilege of going to Bermuda to work for the Navy. To make a long story short it was our first venture out of the US and our first venture as a young married couple, we stayed in what was then called Ms. Robinsons Guest House now (Aunt Neas Inn) that was located in St Geoprge. It proved to be the best four years we have ever spent anywhere since. The Island was absolutely beautiful, the people were great. We have many fond memories of being there and have returned for a visit since we left in 1974. It is truly a magical Island and I would love to live there. 
Van Bricker (Posted June 2013) 
If I am correct, Barrs Bay Park was the U.S. Navy Hamilton Shore Patrol Headquarters. I worked out of that Office from Jan. 1961 until Sept. 1961. Every AM at 0800 hours we raised the flags of the US and British Governments, with respect and dignity. 
The view of the Harbor was magnificent. I became friends with many Constables during my patrols in the Jeep, of Chevy Paddy Wagon. My best friend was a Constable named Roger Chard and I have been searching for him on the internet with negative results. Late at night, during our patrol, we would stop and have a bowl, or two, of Bucky's Bean Soup. I think that Bucky's was located at the split of Middle Road and South Shore Road. 
I'm amazed when I look at all the houses and changes of the Paradise Island, on Google Earth. Even though I can never relive my time at Bermuda, I would like to return and try to reclaim the good memories that I had, while there. Thank you for taking the time to read this little bit of words that probably mean nothing to anyone, but me. If you know of the Roger Chard that I mentioned, please notify me.  
Have a beautiful day, in Bermuda, for me !! 
PJ Imhof, USN (Ret.), Posted August 2013 
Hi, I'm enjoying reading about all things Bermuda and you seem to know it all. My husband and I discovered the beauty of Bermuda in the late 70's and were frequent visitors and introduced the island to many others. We haven't been here since 2004, when we scattered my husbands ashes at one of our favorite places, Tobacco Bay. 
I'm returning next month on a cruise with 11 good friends and family and we were remembering the great times we had on sunset cruises with a boat captain named Beau. He would take us to a restaurant and make dinner. We usually stayed at Glencoe and if we timed it right he would take us back from Hamilton when he finished his day. Any chance he's still operating! 
Pat Dubecky (Posted September 2013) 
Hi, Glencoe no longer exists. It was demolished several years back and a condo was developed. I don't think there is presently any boat captain named Beau. I could be more certain if I knew the full name though. 
Raj ( Posted September 2013 
Hi Raj, Thanks for your quick reply. I was with my brother last night and he thinks the name of the boat was the Looking Glass. We celebrated our 25th anniversary in 1991 with a sunset cruise on it and my brother an sister in law arranged for us to have a beautiful pink heart shaped cake that we took with us. On our very first trip to Bermuda, the ferry home to Paget stopped in the water and we assumed it was engine trouble! Instead, a couple on board served cake and champagne to celebrate an was magical. 
We tried to recreate the moment, but unfortunately didn't prepare with things like plates and napkins and spent they rest of the week trying to get rid of this beautiful cake. Sorry to hear about Glencoe. We used to eat our breakfast outside on the patio and then take out the sunfish and decide how to spend the day! I'm really looking forward to this trip, it brings back so many memories, can't wait to see this beautiful island again. Thanks, Pat 
Pat Dubecky (Posted September 2013) 
I was on the Bermuda Police force with roger chard 1960-1964 Roger and I both moved to New York City in 1964. Roger went to work for Macy's and married an American girl who lived on  the lower east side of Manhattan. 
Never have seen or heard from him since - and no sign of him on the  internet or with the Bermuda police association club. Maybe Roger will search the internet and find his name as I did. I remember he hung out with the us, sailors at the u.s. naval base near Somerset. He had an old 1950's grey ford car. He lived in the next room to me at police hq.  
Ron Shelley (Posted October 2013) 
Greetings from South Carolina! We spent our honeymoon (1968) in Bermuda at the Mermaid Beach Club. We returned the next year to stay at Willowbank - the very best shortbread, at tea time! We returned another year to Harmony Hall. Stayed at Sugarcane guest house one summer, and most recently, for our 40th anniversary, we stayed on the north shore, at Mazarine by the Sea - in a cosy, seaside cottage. 
As you can see, we love Bermuda. This summer will be our 45th anniversary - staying in a waterside private cottage. Our question is that we took many small glass bottom boat trips with Geoffrey Pitman, and wonder if he is still on the island, and if perhaps he still will take "tourists" for boat trips. We love snorkeling and are so looking forward to this summer vacation. We also met a couple , Chris and Faye Coles at Willowbank. They were from Canada, and we would love to reconnect. Bermuda, here we come! 
Cheryl Evans (Posted February 2014) 
Hi, Geoffrey Pitman has retired several years back. His 40-foot boat 'Fathom' is now known as 'Reef Comber' and operated by Captain Kirk 
Raj ( Posted February 2014 
Sandys and the Navy Annex in the late 50s 
I so remember the wonderful evenings spent on a blanket while watching movies on the outdoor screen at the base. If bored with the movie, I would just kick back and gaze at the awesome array of stars (very little ambient light in Bermuda at the time). 
Also, Sandys Grammar School was an excellent place to commence an education; especially with our sharp British teachers. The headmaster was tall and strict and we sang 'God Bless the Queen' at the start of class. That school was situated along the water and owned the best recess area and one protected by beautiful plants and fruit trees. 
Most of the youngsters enjoyed watching the P5M Martin Mariner Sea Planes as they taxied to take-off in the Sound or when the planes returned. Occasionally, the 'Queen of Bermuda' or some other such vessel would visit Hamilton. That was a special event, as television was not competing for our attention in 1958. Why? Well, they aired ONE station and radio broadcasts would let us know when THE show would air on any evening. 
For me, Bermuda was an idyllic paradise; one I long to see and feel again. However, it is doubtful that present-day Bermuda could possibly compete with my walks up Wreck Road (with a Kumquat in my mouth), with Sunday afternoons at the beach in Horseshoe Bay, with meandering, 25 mph drives in our Ford Model A, with fishing from the rocks and boating from Elys Harbor, or with being hosted by absolutely awesome British friends who seemed to love everything that was good about America. Yes, I still drink my tea. Chai is hip these days:) 
Stuart Johnston (Posted September 2014) 
By Carl Lahser (Posted October 2014) 
I had the pleasure of working at the Mid Ocean Club Jan 72-May 73 as part of the kitchen staff.  Having Natural Arches as my private beach, also memories of Forty Thieves, Coral Island Hotel bar (my regular), Isle of Devils at Castle Harbour (with Pam Brodie on piano).  
Also after hours at the Musicians Club in Hamilton then breakfast cocktails at a bar on Court Street that opened for the night owl taxi drivers coming off shift,  Back to the Cooks Cottage on the 14th hole for a couple of hours rest before work. Good times, good friends... now I live in London, Ontario, Canada... but I am going back one more time May 2015. 
By Keith Walters (Posted March 2015) 
Many years ago I stayed at a wonderful small hotel called Sherwood Manor. Great staff - I played ping pong with the bartender for drinks - everyone was friendly and went out of their way to make your stay unforgettable. Are they still around with a different name?  I remember them well. They had their own beach and a restaurant with French chefs. The food was great and the portions were huge.  
Paul I. (June 2015) 
Hi, Sherwood Manor was a wonderful hotel in front of a water inlet in Pembroke. It was a family run hotel that belonged to Sydney Sherwood and family. The hotel was demolished and condos came up there...  the Queens Cove Condominium. 
Raj ( June 2015 
I also lived in bermuda when my father was in the navy. I went to school at Sandy's Grammar School. I was there from 1958 to 61 or 57 to 60. I played baseball, softball, basketball and soccer. My nickname was Randy. If anyone knew me or remembers who I was it would be great to hear from you. 
Charles Deal (August 2015) 
1n 1949 my father was stationed at the US Navy base in Bermuda.  For the first year we lived at the HERMITAGE located at what is now Hogs Bay Park. I attended Sandys Grammar School in the fourth grade.  We then moved to the US Navy base and I transferred to Mount Saint Agnes Academy in Hamilton for the remaining two years stay on the island. 
My question would it be possible to arrange a visit to the Hermitage during our (my wife and I) vacation visit 18 - 25 September (19 - 24).  I visited Bermuda in the late 70's with my family and visited the Hermitage but did not feel comfortable asking for an uninvited tour of the home. 
Ernest Dodd (August 2015) 
Hello, bishop Dehler and my dad were first cousins. I know today is the anniversary of his death, August 26, 1966 - Feast of our lady of Czestochowa. This morning I will pray at the nearby icon of Czestochowa that was on last ship leaving Poland before Nazis invasion. When my grandmother died bishop Dehler wrote saying she was his last aunt on earth. Her name was Josefa Hinsberg. I was very close to her. But I do not know any in the Dehler family. 
I know a priest who venerates every night bishop Dehler's personal holy items. I have one granddaughter, third grade, age 8 and I beg prayers for her, cause of the school she in/common core/ this pope condemns common core/ info online/ Haley is her name/ she actually looks very Portuguese, /other grandfather name Ricardo Flores/ I will pray for you all at Czestochowa shrine today, thank you for your prayers. Bishop Dehler came to our house in Grosse Pointe Michigan when I was Haley's age, and from that point always remembered him and prayed 
Patricia Hurtuk (August 2015) 
For the Readers (by Raj - 
Robert S. Dehler was the first Bishop of Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton, Bermuda. He was appointed the Prefect Apostolic of Bermuda on March 10, 1953. He died on August 26, 1966 
William Stephenson was from Winnipeg (Mary from New York) and met my father Dr. Lionel Macklin at the University of Toronto prior to the war. A  friend of theirs Dr. Joe Owens another grad from the University of Toronto who worked in New York. The two doctors served at the King Eddy in Hamilton there during the war and were billeted at the Belmont Hotel (2nd floor) where they swam, golfed  and played tennis. 
When they were in New York they worked with William on the 3rd floor of the Rockefeller Centre. Both doctors were given Ortgies Deutche Verke 32 cal pistols by William which they eventually took home. As a kid I stayed at both the Inverurie and the Belmont and when William was still there, we all went over to his residence at Camden House for tea and they arranged for me to get tennis lessons, golf lessons and learn how to sail at the Burundi Yacht Club. 
Eric Macklin (September 2015) 
For the Readers (by Raj - 
Canadian-born Sir William Stephenson was the chief of intelligence for the entire western hemisphere and appointed by Winston Churchill during World War II. He was also a millionaire industrialist, a spy-master as well as Britain's one of the top fighter pilots during World War I. Author Ian Fleming indicated that he drew major inspiration from Stephenson to create the James Bond character in his novels. Stephenson died on January 31, 1989 at the age of 93 when he was living in Paget (Camden House), Bermuda. 
I was born in Sandys parish in 1944. My dad was sent to Bermuda during WW2 and worked at Daniels Head wireless station. I don't know the address where we lived but I do have a photo of the house. I think it must have been owned by the British government.  Dad was sent home to England in 1947. We went there in a Banana Boat named the Bayano from Hamilton to Jamaica and Avonmouth Bristol, landed on 30 August 1947 and went to Flowerdown Wireless Station. 
Leslie Morgan (November 2015) 
I lived on East Shore Road, my father ran the BOC plant which I think was located on Boaz Island, this was back in the late 60's early 70's. I attended Sandy?s Grammar as was then. I remember calling in for Coca Cola at the Sugar Cane Motel on East Shore Road which was run by an American couple who went by the names of Mickey and Buck, I think they divorced but would love to know if they are still around. 
I remember the grocery store and the medical store on the road at the bottom of East Shore, the pink flamingoes near the banana patch approaching Cavello Bay, a guy who lived there had a glass bottom boat, and kids called Karla, Jayne and Margaret, the latter of who were sisters.  
If I'm not mistaken there were two brothers just up the road from me I think called the Foster Brothers, one was called Mark. I also remember root beers, KFC and a small grocery store at the top of the hill on my way home from school. Sandy Grammar also had a visit from an astronaut in 6ish, though I can't remember which one, I do remember shaking his hand. 
Francesca (February 2016) 
Subject: Response to Randy Deal - Sandys Grammer School 
Randy, I do remember you.  I especially remember the yearly sports competition at Sandy's Grammar, I was in School House as I recall and you were the fastest runner in the 100 yard dash. I truly loved that school. My teacher Mr. King, , Mr. Elford, the headmaster,the 1 shilling hot dogs for lunch. Wow, that was a great time. 
I had an incomparable childhood in Bermuda.  Three years of juvenile bliss, no fear, just pure freedom. I now live in Marietta Ga, a million miles away from the tranquility and happiness of that time. 
It was stunning to see your name on this Post.  I was just going thru google earth, looking for my childhood, then subsequently stumbled across this website.  I was looking for Geoffrey Pitman, his father was our landlord. We lived over the hill from Sandy's Grammar. I know we were just school mates but it is remarkable how much I remember about everyone I knew.  We Americans adapted quite well to the Bermudian way of life I think. 
I hope you are well. Seriously cool to have that flashback of the best time in my life. 
Jeff Taylor (March 2016) 
My father was known as Uncle Dave and was the host of Junior Club on ZBM. anyone remember him (kid's show that showed cartoons and my ole man used to draw pics) I went to school at Delwood (left 1962) any other Delwood students out there. My cousin Terry Cabral was a police man during the 70's 80's. I lived in Paget on Dudley hill. 
My mind floods with childhood pictures of pastels and colors I can't even describe to others. These island pearls hang around my soul's neck like the most precious thing I've ever owned. I still dream of sand and rocks and purple teal waters. Any of us who ever had the privilege of growing up there seem wistful when the subject of Bermuda comes up.  
Deborah L Kaye (March 2016) 
Comments to Francesca and Jeff Taylor 
Our dad was stationed at the U.S. Naval Station during the mid-60s. Jeff Taylor, I completely agree with everything you said about living on Bermuda---it was a truly magical place! Being kids, we may have taken it all a bit for granted, but oh to go back there as an adult! 
My sister Mary did return on her honeymoon during the 80s, even staying at our former residence, Blue Foam, near Somerset Bridge. It had become a bed and breakfast by then. Years later, in spite of the Bermuda Triangle lore, my parents actually sailed there--twice--once in their own sailboat and another time with a couple whose boat was bigger! That was pretty brave of them. 
Jeff, you mention Mr. Elford as Headmaster of the school. During my time (1966-67), it was a headmistress, MRS. Elford! (His wife, maybe?) She was strict too. We stood up in unison whenever she came into the room. I think the teachers, most from England, were intrigued, maybe even a little bemused, by American kids and our ways. She once worked with me to build an hourglass, using sand and two beakers. (She didn't usually work with kids on projects; I wonder if maybe she just wanted to let me ramble on and amuse her!) 
Francesca, in my class was a guy named Mark Foster! He was tall and quite a cute boy. Probably very handsome now, in his late 50s. But he did tease me mercilessly! He knew a few things (ahem) that older kids knew, and told me something one time. I pretended to know all about it, but didn't. I seem to recall that he was American. 
I had Mrs. Spry in Form Three (third grade). She lived in a grand home across the bay from us. They always had a Union Jack flying. Form Four was Miss Wilkie. I also remember many of the kids I went to school with by name. I saw Derek Simons on Facebook, also Barry Capuano, who was a very little boy then, and whose grandparents lived next door to us. 
I do remember a segregationist mentality. One time, two little black girls who lived across the street, Barbara and Deborah, went to the movies in Hamilton with my sisters---and they had to sit separately! There was also a girl in my class who was biracial, and even then I could detect a certain attitude towards her about this. 
There were a few Catholic kids at Sandys Grammar who, on certain days, would walk to their church while the rest of us walked to St. James. The Church of England's separation from Catholicism in Henry VIII's time was being taught to us, but not the underlying issues, so I did not then understand the element of hostility I noticed towards the Catholic kids as they traipsed off to their church. Adults underestimate kids? perception at times! 
We swam every day in the bay. I learned about tides and fish. We had a small grotto filled with exotic native fish that would perform when they saw someone come near, and we would throw food to them. It seemed that everyone had a boat, big or small. The neighbor on one side, Mr. Stevens, had a cabin cruiser called the Pot of Gold. One of the schoolteachers lived on a houseboat. She was always fighting with her husband. We could hear this because sound travels over water. 
I sometimes dream of going to Bermuda. My sister said that when she went there on her honeymoon, it was exactly as she remembered, though she was sad because we her family were not there to share it with her. Over the years, I have met several people who also lived there. It has been wonderful to compare notes with them and to reminisce...Anyone who wants to contact me, please do! I am on Facebook under the name Lynne Kitchen, though my former name was Robinson. 
Lynne (Robinson) Kitchen (April 2016) 
Hello everyone I attended Sandys Grammar from 1966 till mid 68. My father was in the  navy stationed at H M S Malabar. Have wonderful childhood memories of this beautiful Island and am curious to know if anyone  else. On this  site was at Sandys Grammar school  at  the same time 
Kevan Jeffries (February 2017) 
I attended Sandys 1957 to 1960, Forms 1 2 and 3. My father was in the U.S. Navy. I lived on Watford Island and took the bus to school.  Another student helped me to walk to school up the lane from the bus. I had polio when I was 4 years old. Sometimes I was on crutches and walked quite poorly. James Dawson my good friend lived on Boaz Island, he was a Bermudian and sometimes even piggybacked me from the bus to the school.  I was unable to participate in any sports, but I do remember being on the ground and playing a lot of marbles. Even being there at such a young age, I remember so much more 60 year later from my wonderful childhood time in Bermuda. 
James McKay (April 2017) 
Note to Kevan Jeffries: Hello, Kevan! I was at Sandys Grammar School during the mid to late 60's---I remember a boy named Nigel Jeffreys, was he your brother? He may have been in Mrs. Moss' class, Form 3 as they called it. 
Lynne (Robinson) Kitchen (June 2017) 
My wife and I spent last and this July in Bermuda (our seventh visit). Thank you for all your helpful information in making our trips more enjoyable. I just found twenty year old photos, and among them were ones of Dennis' Hideaway and his son Sea Egg (some nickname!). I knew he operated the restaurant for awhile after Dennis' passing, but then it closed. Do you know the whereabouts of his son, if he is alive? Thanks, 
Patrick LaSalle (August 2017) 
The restaurant building was demolished in 2010 and nobody seems to know whereabouts of Graham (i.e. Sea Egg) since then. Sad that despite being with his father all the time, perhaps he did not try enough to keep running the restaurant although he said he would when Dennis passed away in 2003. Drop in patronage was also an issue. 
Raj ( August 2017 
My wife and I spent our honeymoon at the Coral Island Hotel in Bermuda in July 1968. 
We have not been able to make it back yet but want to next year for our 50th Anniversary. 
I understand that the Hotel is now closed but would like to know where it was located. 
We would like to stay somewhere similar...Loved Bermuda...5 children and 14 grandkids ago... 
Dan and Judy Eckman (December 2017) 
Hello Dan, Coral Island Hotel was located at Flatts Village in Hamilton Parish and near the Bermuda Aquarium. It was demolished and condo units came up there. 
Raj ( December 2017 
I lived in Bermuda when my dad was there stationed in the US Navy. My sister Elizabeth was born there in 1956 and named after the Queen who had visited the islands a few weeks before.  I am excited to visit this month en route to Italy on a repositioning cruise. 
We lived just off base near the Somerset Bridge in a house called Peace Haven, which overlooked the Great Sound where jet-assisted seaplanes took off.  Our water came from rainfall collected from the roof.  In springtime we would swim in the cistern under the house just before its annual cleaning. At Christmas, Santa Claus climbed out of a P5M Martin Mariner seaplane at the base. I began my schooling at Sandy's Grammar School where my older sister and I were wary of the tall, skinny headmaster with his wooden paddle. 
I have fond memories of officers' beach parties at Horseshoe Beach. Hugh pits were dug on the beach and filled with ice, beer and soft drinks. We kids were warned away from a cave down the beach where "varmits" were reputed to live. A favorite memory is my sister and I in life jackets being towed in the water behind dad's sailboat. 
I am sure it will be bittersweet to see how much has changed in Bermuda since the mid-1950. 
Lou Cobb (March 2018) 
Hi Raj, 
I enjoyed this section of your Bermuda Attractions and by chance stumbled on it to find out what happened to The Glencoe Guest House, our honeymoon destination in 1970. By chance I met Geofrey Ray at CGE in Peterborough Ontario. Jeff is a Bermudian and his auntie once the Post Mistress at Sandy's Parish by the little Bridge. We visited his family and they took us out for the day swimming in the Great Sound, from 5 rafted Sports-fisherman boats. Mixed rum cocktails frozen in milk containers quench the heat of the day. What down to earth warm and friendly his family was. It will always be a special memory! 
Len and Sharron Hambleton (April 2018) - North Carolina 
I will never forget spending at day at the home and workshop of John Davis, Freemason, musician and gentleman. I will always cherish that day. I first saw his smiling photo in National Geographic in 1955 as a child. In 1970 I hitch hiked with a coral mason to Hook and Ladder Lane and John's home where he invited me in, a stranger. John had many a fine wooden crafts shops to his credit. We spent a wonderful day on his porch recounting the Cedar Blight of 1944 and then went to his storage shop where cedar was sorted from log to dolphin key chain size. He scroll sawed one for me a fellow woodworker. Bermudians greet you so gentiley.The ladies address you as 'Love'. God Bless you all. 
Len Hambleton (April 2018) 
I remember Pam Brodie in the mid to late 60's as the very congenial piano bar and main dining room singer at the Castle Harbour Hotel. She was from Ireland and I think I heard she had moved to the states (possibly N. Carolina). Does anyone else remember her? Thanks. 
John (July 2018) 
I know Glencoe hotel is no longer there. However, my Mom and Dad were guests there in 1970 for their 25th anniversary. Sadly, my dad suffered a fatal heart attack on their final day there. Although a tragedy for our family, my parents had an idyllic week in Bermuda. And, I can't think of anyplace my Dad would rather have spent his final days. My husband and I have Visited Bermuda twice. On our last visit we took the ferry to Salt Kettle and stopped at a spot overlooking the building where Glencoe was (now a condo - still called Glencoe, I think).I have a beautiful souvenir china mug from the Glencoe which my Mom brought back. I've been trying to look up old photos of the Glencoe, but haven't found any so far. Are there any websites which might have images or detailed information about the Glencoe? I'm very nostalgic about it. Hoping to get back to Bermuda in the near future. 
Mary Connelly Benway (July 2018) 
Coming to Bermuda aboard Carnival cruise ship on September 16th. will dock at Kings Wharf Sept. 19th, 2018. Worked at the Bank of Bermuda ltd during 1958 and 1959 . Remember a few people that worked at the bank. Lois Moss, Cyril Bargett, Cathy Hollis, Jack Lightbourne, Walter Bargett, Henry Masters. I was in Eileen davis' wedding, she married David Dunston. 
Peggy S. (July 2018) 
Our family rented Doubloon Hill Farm from about 1957 to 1958.  My father was stationed at the Coast Guard Air Station nearby and I attended fifth and sixth grade at Mount Saint Agnes Academy in Hamilton. The house was multi-level, with the kitchen at the rear and lower than the main section.  I remember the awning shutters and the tank for drinking water. There was no central heat, but there was a fireplace in the living room and kitchen. If anyone knows more about the house, would like to know the history. Thank you. 
Marianne Hurley (August 2018) 
My first visit to Bermuda was in 1968 from Newark airport, I went with my girl friend diane... it was the first time i had ever flown, we were both 20 years old. It was the start of a love affair with the most beautiful place I had ever seen. I spent my holiday there every year and some years I went twice. In 1972 I decided to move there and shortly after I arrived I met my future husband. He worked at the Bermudiana hotel in Hamilton. 
We went to all our favorite hangouts, The 40 Theives, the Horse and Buggy Pub and the Robinhood... we went back this past April for 10 days, we had'nt been back in 42 years !..some things had changed [more cars on the road] and others had stood still in time... Spanish Point and Spittal Pond. It was as if everyone on the island knew we were coming home... from the moment we landed to the day we left, it was pure love and joy...thank you to all the locals who went out of their way to show us kindness, grace and dignity... we look forward to returning to our beloved island in April 2019 to make more memories... cheers... 
Eeileen and Peter Williams (August 2018) 
Hi, I am an old friend of Joffre Pitman. I left Bermuda in 1956. We spent 100's of hours snorkelling together as boys. I lived in Daniel's Head when it was under the GB Royal Navy. I was at both Sandy's grammar school and Warwick academy. Joffre's mother was one of my teachers. I plan to return to Bermuda for a holiday. Where is Joffre now? Do you have a phone number or email address for him? Cheers. 
Tim Malyon (September 2018) 
Hi, Geoffrey Pitman retired many years back and since then he has not shared his contact numbers. 
Raj ( September 2018 
My brother and I also attended Sandy's Grammar School between the years 1951 -1953 while my father was stationed in Bermuda in the U. S. Navy. My oldest sister was born in Bermuda at the U. S. Air Force Hospital in 1953.  We used to swim at Horseshoe Bay. My brother and I had a raft which my father would push out to sea and the tides would bring it back to us every time he pushed it out. We loved to watch the sea planes land and take off in the Bay also. I remember visiting Crystal Caves and place called Devil's Hole to the best of my memory. 
My Dad ran the PX, Commissary, and the Base Theatre, so my brother and I went to the movies often and always got ice cream and soft drinks. One thing I recall about Sandy's Grammar School was we wore suits with knee high socks, light green Bermuda shorts, a white shirt, a dark Green coat, and a tie with alternate bands of light and dark green that matched our shorts and coat. I have always wanted to go back and visit Bermuda ever since we sailed away to New York Harbor on the Queen of Bermuda. 
Wayne Davis (September 2018) 
Hello Raj, 
I hope to return to Bermuda in August/19. I lived there for three years as a young boy, the most memorable time of my life, actually.  Went to Port Royal for a year then to Sandys Grammer. Father was Navy, he managed the officers club on the base. We lived at Pond Villa, near Daniels Head, for a glorious two years.  We rented our house from Mr. Pittman, and I met Geoffrey Pittman, his son, a few times.  I noticed a post on this blog from Charles "Randy" Deal, who I raced with, in School House, at Sandys Grammar. He was the fastest dude I've ever known. I also knew some folks; Barry Kestle, Bart Card, Freida Holmes, and Tabo Parera (SP?).  Would you know any of these people? 
Thank you 
Jeff Taylor/Cartesville, GA (September 2018) 
My family lived at Doubloon Hill Farm from 1966 to 1969.  the house was owned by the James family and was across the farm lane from the Mayer family.  It was well over  130 years old when we lived in it, and was originally the site of an inn.  Located near Wreck Hill, it was rumored that wreckers had buried treasure on the property.  I don't know about that, but there was an old kiln on the property and a dump site that had great old pinch-necked bottles and the like as well as an old shack built at the top of the hill overlooking the beach that only appeared at low tide.  The fireplace in the kitchen was for cooking, and there was a two level oven to the left of it with a metal door which was originally fed from another fireplace located under the house. Under the house was used for securing valuables, and there was an old stable and servant's quarters across the yard from the kitchen.   
I also attended Sandys Grammar School from 1960-1965, before transferring to the American High School.  Mrs. Elford was the headmistress, Mrs. Spry taught me as well, Ms. Catell was the PE teacher, Mr. Saul was Sir - administrator of all discipline. Thursdays we sang My Country Tis of Thee in assembly, all other days God Save the Queen. 
Sandra Morrison (November 2018) 
Wife and I were stationed there from Jan 72 till abut Aug 73. Worked in weather office and released upper air weather balloons. Like to hear from anyone stationed there  at around that time. I can still remember the smell of cedar smoke during winter time. Lived in St. Georges. 
James Woods (January 2019) 
I took my wife and we went to Bermuda on a cruise. I hadn't been back since I got out of the Navy in 1968. It was so long ago that I didn't remember St Georges or any of the north side, but when we were in Southampton or Somerset, it all came back.  I remember body surfing at Horseshoe Bay, and the "smallest draw bridge" in the world. Has a draw of only 3 feet. I distinctly remember going off base after a night of storms and wind to find the SS United States anchored in Great Sound. Impressive vessel, 990 feet in length. She came in there to get out of the storm. Great time in my life. 
Ken (May 2019) 
In 1963 we took a family vacation to Bermuda. I was 13 at the time and we stayed at Sherwood Manor, it was incredible. My sister and I made friends with Wendy and Lynne Sherwood the owner's daughters and for three full weeks we lived in paradise !! I know the property has changed owners and names but I have fond memories of those days. Would love to contact the Sherwood sisters to say hello. 
Shirley Dunn (June 2019) 
Hi Raj... another ex-IBMer here. My parents and I moved to Bermuda in 1941 when my father got a job working on the construction of Kindley Army Air Force base in Castle Harbour. My mother was born in Bermuda (nee Browne) and we lived at her parent's property in Hamilton Parish off of Radnor Road. There are no Browne's living there today but the property has been named "Browne Estates" and there is a sign to that effect at the property entrance. 
I started school in Bermuda in 1943 and would take the train from my Uncle's (Sturgess Davis) house located right on Shelley Bay Beach (now dismantled) to Hamilton. I can still remember being asked to relocate myself to the cloak closet (for a few minutes) for some transgression (long since forgotten). My Grandfather (Elmer Winifred Browne) was a landlord (he had several houses which he rented out), a farmer (casaba, bananas, loquats, cumquats, onions, Easter lilies, melons, avocados, etc.), and in his younger days a road gang foreman. 
At age 3, I was allowed to roam away from the property with only one admonition; "don't go into the field with the bull". And I didn't. Serious crime happened so rarely that it would be talked about for decades. There were no cars, no drugs, no TV, and I don't remember any Bermuda radio stations... but I wouldn't be surprised if there was one. We did have "short wave radios" which occasionally picked up radio broadcasts from the "mainland".  
My grandmother wouldn't allow liquor into the house but there was always a bottle of Black Label (rum) attached to a string and sunk into the cistern (well).  I was, of course, too young to imbibe but "others" did. A favorite pastime for me was climbing the loquat and cumquat trees and picking the fruit. 
The Hollis family lived next door (we were related) and they let us use their sand beach and float on Harrington Sound (a rarity for Harrington Sound). We had a "pier" on HS which we accessed via stairway. In those days we could go out on the sound and "prong" for lobsters and scallops... both in fair abundance.  These were much appreciated as a break from chicken, casaba pie, and "bacala" (slated codfish prepared for breakfast in the Portuguese Bermudian style (boiled with sliced bananas and olive oil).  Occasionally we got a "rockfish" (aka a grouper I think) but that was a rarity.  
The General Store was on the North Road just off the west intersection of Radnor Road and the North Road. Church was at Holy Trinity which is located on Trinity Church Road.  There was a small adjunct chapel located on Radnor Road and the structure is still there (at the sharp turn on Radnor Road...there's only one sharp turn). Close relatives included the Williams, Davis, Lightbourn, Krueger, and Young families... all living between the Crawl and Shelley Bay. 
My last two visits to the Island were to celebrate our 50 and 55th anniversary with our entire family (14 in all) and we stayed at the Grotto Bay Beach Resort which is near the airport (5 minute taxi ride) which I highly recommend, especially for large groups. 
George Galyon (November 2019) 
While stationed at the NOB (Navy Operating Base) I was overwhelmed on my initial landing at the airport. I had no idea back then where Bermuda was located in the world. How ignorant of me. LOL. Being from Chicago, this was my first exploration from the city. I still have over 50 pictures of the places I visited during those years. I purchased an 100cc Honda bike after my 3rd week there and off I went to see the island. Wow I was amazed in the traffic control and politeness in going through the roundabouts. Only being able to drive 35kph was interesting but there were some places even that was too fast... lol. Yes the island does shut down during cricket days! I miss the clear water at the local beaches... wow! The weather was not as tropical as the Bahamas but it was still pleasant. 
Brian Williams (December 2019) 
I visited Bermuda on a family vacation in the 1960's and we stayed at Sherwood Manor for 3 weeks. It was an incredible time. My sister and I became friends with the Sherwood daughters Lynn and her sister and spent a great deal of time with them. Mr. Sherwood invited us out on his yacht several times. I didnt want to leave when vacation was over. 
Shirley Dunn (January 2020) 
Hi there. 
Regarding the Longtail Bar, Burnaby's and Penthouse Club. I worked there for 3 years as pastry chef but unfortunately after Hurricane Emily in 1983 the owner decided to close the establishment, would be interested to know what happened to the building since then. They had a football team and we played every Sunday morning against other restaurant and finance company teams, The Lobster Pot and Price Waterhouse spring to mind. By the way, I have a very rare Bermuda vs Brondby football programme from then, if anyone is interested. Had a fantastic time working on the island... and I lived next door to the gentleman who stood and waved at the commuters every morning... Johnny Barnes I think. 
Best regards, 
Colin Hall (May 2020) 
In the link below, Martin Nelson shares the vivid memories of 5 years of his life in Bermuda with his mother and two brothers between 1940 and 1945. 
By Martin Nelson (Posted in December 2020) 
My sister just sent me this as my great aunt, Elsie Spry was mentioned. My family lived on the Scauer at Elys Harbor in the Moorings. My great grandfather was foreman in charge of works at Dockyard-I believed they moved there in the late 20's. My great grandfather was given the property for his birthday by a dear friend of theirs, Auntie May. (I believe she owned Pompano beach and the surrounding area way back).  
My family moved to Bermuda in 1965 and after a few months at the family home we moved to Orion, just below Gibbs Hill lighthouse. My mother worked on the Navy base and my Dad  worked for PW's. We went to school at Sandys Grammar School and Mrs Elford was the headmistress. Miss Wilkie was a friend of the family and we stayed in touch until she passed. We go to Bermuda every year. 
My sister and I have so many wonderful memories of Bermuda and consider it home. 
Adrienne Parraco Robinson (October 2021) 
I just happened across this page accidentally while trying to find information about a school I attended in 1964, Sandy's Grammar School. We moved to Bermuda in January of 1964 and lived on Ireland's Island.  The mailing address I believe was No. 4 Victoria Row. Forgive my faulty memory from more than fifty years ago but when I read Lynn Robinson Kitchen's piece things started coming back. I, too, had Mrs. Spry for a teacher and had forgotten her name until I read Lynn's post. Mr. Dance was our gym teacher and I remember him as tall with a handle bar moustache.  Seems I remember a Mrs Moss as the female PE teacher but I'm not sure. I do remember the female PE teacher spanked me once. I was always in trouble.  
One day, my mother had given me too much money for lunch and I bought more than 20 cupcakes and created a stir by doing that. Our lunch food as I recall was hotdogs every day and those cupcakes. I remember playing on the field and at the edge of the field was a honeysuckle thicket some other students had introduced me to. I plucked the honeysuckle often. That was a truly magical place but when the next school year came around we transferred to the base school at McKinley.  
Such a treat to find this page. I hope you accept my submission. 
David Peabody (October 2021) 
July first 1974 me and my then boyfriend Ralph stepped out of the plane thinking we were in a sauna! It was hot coming from  Swedish summer. We soon got to love the Island and the people we met. My then boyfriend worked at Sonesta Beach Hotel and lived in the dorms down at Sinky Bay with a wonderful staff beach where we spent so many hours enjoying swimming and socializing with new friends from his work and also the Ford Family living there. Melony, Anthony and Russ Ford were the nicest kids around. (Where are they now?) 
July 1975 we left Bermuda to go home and we had a son in November. In August 1977 we returned to Bermuda with son 22 months old and then my, then husband, worked at The Lobster Pot Restaurant with Benji Williams, Eugen and Fritz and others.   
Many many wonderful memories of our days there and all the nice people we met, still have contact with several of them but still can't find the English chef Andrew Andy Ashby that worked in Sonesta, does anyone know where he can be reached, I would be very glad. We left the second time May 1980 and I have been back on my own for a 3 week vacation in 1995, still long to go back. I would love to hear back from you. 
Christina Karlsson (March 2022) 
Hi Raj, 
I have fond memories of Bermuda-Hamilton-Tucker House and my best friends house on Southshore. I befriended Mr. and Mrs. Wardrop on my trip to Hamilton in 1984 while I was on a ship with my husband. Mrs. Wardrop was an artist just like me, and she wanted to paint a portrait of an Indian Lady. Those days I was the ONLY INDIAN in Bermuda. Our ship would dock in Hamilton on Front Street every two weeks. We were on a supply feeder ship from Jacksonville, Fla. that brought supplies every two weeks to Bermuda. We did this for 6 months. 
I fell in love with the pink beaches and the wonderful happy people of Bermuda. I learned a lot about rainwater harvesting, there was one factory that made oleander ( Korobi) flower perfume and one cement plant. No other industry except hotel industry. I have fond memories of walking around the island, enjoying the botanical gardens, met wonderful artists from UK and US who would show their work. Tucker House was a special place. Everything was named after this family, roads and buildings etc. 
Anita (July 2022) 
I was deployed over there in 1977 with the Navy to I think it was called Kinley Field.  We used to frequent downtown Hamilton and go to clubs like The Four Aces, The Forty Thieves, Tic For Tac and a few others.  We also used to grab a bite at The Picadilly or Pickle Barrel, I can't remember.  Anyway, I'm pretty sure none of those places are available anymore. 
David Little (December 2022) 
I'm excited to go back to Bermuda in a week to see some of my memories from the mid-50s when dad was stationed at the naval base. We lived in a house called Peace Haven a stones throw east of Sumerset Bridge, and took a bus to Sandy's Grammer School. There was an 'off' person called Crazy Eddie near our house who would jump out of the bushes and scare us. 
Behind St. James Church on a hill going down to the water was Easier Lilly Hill, surely an acre of blooming Easter Lilly's. The navy guys used to throw beach parties at Horseshoe Beach, digging a massive pit in the sand to fill with ice and beer. At the west end of the beach was a cave in the rocks that the adults warned us was the home of varmints, thus varmint cave. Looking forward to Bermuda! 
Lou Cobb (November 2023) 
My family lived in Bermuda from 1963-1967 and I attended Sandy's Grammar School. My father was in the Navy and played the piano at the officers club. I was wondering if anyone remembered us. My brothers were George and Tom and did a lot of exploring on the island. We lived in the Somerset area. 
Julie Varshock (January 2024) 
Hi, My dad was stationed in Bermuda from 1953/1956! We lived there for three wonderful years! What an experience it was so many memories, schools, living on and off base, learning about the Island people schools!! Horse drawn carriages! Pink sandy beaches! Even saw Queen Elizabeth and her family that toured the school Port Royal! Queen mother was also with her and children! We also had sports day at school and Christmas programs! Just wanted to reach out to you! What an amazing job you have!! Have an amazing day!! 
Beverly Schwab (February, 2024) 

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