Bermuda Bus Fare

The pink colored buses (known as the Breeze Buses) form a formidable part of the public transport system in Bermuda. There are 11 Bus Routes that span out to different parts of the island, and all of them, except one, operate from Hamilton City's Central Bus Terminal. 
The bus rides in the island is likely to play an important role when you plan to get around the island, because the service is extensive, quite regular and convenient. 
Bermuda bus in St. George 
The fares of the public buses are fixed by the Bermuda Government. The last fare revision took place on April 1, 2015 and has remained unchanged until now. 

Fare Payment Options

There are actually several ways you can pay the bus fare in Bermuda. 

Pay in Cash

You can pay the fare in cash on board a bus, but you need to tender the exact fare. This is because you won't get any change back when you pay in cash. There is a drop-box where you need to drop your cash. 
Can you pay the cash fare is US coins? Yes, you can. In fact, Bermuda and US currency are completely interchangeable in the island and nobody bothers about which type of coins you use. 
Can you pay in US dollar bills? Yes, you can and drivers generally accept dollar bills as well. But as I mentioned earlier, try to pay the exact amount because drivers won't return any change if you paid more. 
Is there any advantage or disadvantage in paying by cash? Actually, you end up paying a little more when you pay the fare in cash compared to a payment method like the token. But you might still decide to do it for a one off ride when you want to avoid taking the hassle of buying a token, ticket or a pass. 

Pay using Tokens

Tokens are specially made metal coins that act as substitutes for exact cash fares. You can just use one token for a one-way ride and it works in all public buses as well as ferries. Like dollar coins, tokens have no validity period and can be used any time. 
Bermuda Bus/Ferry Tokens and Tickets 
Bermuda Tokens   Tickets 
Photo: slgckgc, flickr 
Why use tokens and not cash? Firstly, a token fare is a bit lesser than cash fare. So, you pay less when you buy tokens compared to when you pay fare in cash. Secondly, you don't need to worry about carrying exact cash fare if you use tokens. 
If you know the number of rides you will make on buses and ferries during your stay in Bermuda, then buying tokens certainly makes sense... you can save on fares plus it is more convenient than carrying exact cash fare every time you ride a bus or ferry. 
Where can you purchase tokens? You can get them at the Visitor Service Centers. There is one at the Royal Naval Dockyard which is convenient for the cruise ship passengers (5-minute walk from the piers), one at Hamilton City (on Front Street and near the Ferry Dock), and one at St. George (25 York Street). 
You can also purchase token at Hamilton Ferry Terminal (on Front Street) and Central Bus Terminal in Hamilton City (on Washington Street next to City Hall). Some hotels and guesthouses also keep tokens for their guests. 
If you want, you can carry tokens back home as mementos or bring them back when you visit the island next time and re-use them. But, there is no way to return them and get cash/credits back if you are left with some unused ones. 

Pay using a Transportation Pass

The transportation pass can be a very handy option for getting around the island. You can use it for unlimited rides on both public buses and ferries as long as it remains valid. You can buy  a pass for 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days and 7 days. There are also monthly and quarterly passes that are mostly used by local commuters. 
Bermuda Transportation Pass 
Bermuda Transportation Pass 
Photo: slgckgc, flickr 
The pass is a paper-card with a calendar printed on it and the top-line of the card shows the type of pass (i.e. 1day, 2day, 3day, etc). On your first or subsequent use of the card, the bus driver or the ferry operator will punch the current date. 
Don't be surprised if the bus driver or the ferry crew do not care to punch the card. There might even be a case where you travel around the whole day on buses and ferries and your pass remains un-punched for the day. 
Are you curious now to know what happens if a pass remains un-punched for its entire duration? Can you again use it when you return to Bermuda next time? Well, technically you can, but that would be highly unethical. 
So, how does the pass exactly work? The pass only works on consecutive days from the date it is first punched. And it expires at 12 midnight on the last day of its validity. So, it does not work on a 24-hour basis. Here is an example.. if you start using a 2-day pass on Monday at 11am, then it will expire at 12 mid night of Tuesday (instead of 11am on Wednesday). 
If you are in Bermuda for a longer term stay, then you can consider buying a monthly pass which can be quite economical. But here is the catch... 
A monthly pass remains valid only for a calendar month and it can only be used from first to last day of that month. The calendar month is actually printed on the card and it can not be used across two months. 
This means if you buy a monthly pass on 10th January, you can use it only up to 31st January and not beyond that. The same rule applies for a quarterly pass as well. 
Where can you purchase the transportation passes? Like the tokens, you can purchase the passes from Visitors Service Centers as well as from Hamilton Bus and Ferry Terminals. Some sub-post offices, hotels and guest houses also offer passes. 

Pay using Tickets

You can also buy tickets that work on both public buses and ferries. But, unlike in some other countries, you can not buy a single one-way ticket in Bermuda. You will need to purchase a booklet of tickets. Each booklet contains 15 tickets that can be used for a total of 15 one-way rides. 
The booklet looks like a perforated paper card. You can tear off a piece out of the booklet that acts as a single ticket. As you board a bus or a ferry, you will need to hand over the ticket to the driver or the crew. So, if you are in a family or group, you can share and use the ticket booklet among yourselves. 
Just for your information, selling of individual tickets from a booklet is illegal in Bermuda. One should only buy a full booklet or multiple of those only from authorized counters. 
Tickets are available for purchase at Hamilton Bus and Ferry Terminals, and also in a few designated sub-post offices in the island. You won't get them at the Visitor Service Centers. Some hotels and cruise ships stock them for their guests. 
Like tokens, the tickets too do not have an expiry period. So, even if you are left with some, you can use them during your next visit to Bermuda. You can not however, exchange them for cash. 
TIP: Tickets, tokens and passes are all transferable. Which means a valid pass, ticket or a token can be used by anybody for taking a ride on a bus or ferry. 

What are the Fares?

The bus fare in Bermuda not only depends on the payment method you use, but like in most other cities in the world, it also depends on how far you travel. When it comes to the distance of travel, Bermuda has divided the bus fares into two categories... you can think of that as Short Distance and Long Distance fares. 
Actually, the short distance fare in Bermuda is known as 3-Zone Fare and the long distance fare is known as 14-Zone fare. So, as it's now apparent, Bermuda has divided the entire island into several bus zones... 14 of them to be precise. 
What is the span or length of a zone? Well, not all zones are equal. Each zone is roughly 2-miles long. You can find out more about this in Bermuda's Bus Zones and know about the landmarks that indicate the beginning or end of each zone. 
So, if you travel for up to 3-Zones, you can pay 3-Zone fare and get off. And if you travel for more than three zones, you will need to pay 14-Zone fare... so, whether you travel on a bus for 4 or 10 zones, you pay the 14-Zone fare. 
Each payment method (other than the pass), therefore has a 3-Zone fare and a 14-Zone fare. The Transportation Pass is the only exception to this... there is no separate pass for 3 and 14 zones. The same pass works irrespective of the number of zones you travel. So, the 3-Zone and 14-Zone fares are applicable only for tickets, tokens and cash. 
In order to pay the right fare using tickets, tokens or cash, you need to know the number of zones of your bus travel before you purchase a token or a ticket, or while paying the fare in cash. 
So, you might now have the question springing up in your mind... "How do I know the number of zones I shall be traveling?" Well, if it is a one off bus trip, just ask the staff at the counter at the time of purchasing the tokens or tickets and they will help. Otherwise, having an Understanding of the Bus Zones will help. 
Child fares are heavily discounted. A child of age between 5 to 16 enjoys nearly half the adult fare. And a child below 5 years of age can travel free on a bus. All above 16 years of age pay the regular adult fares. 
What about senior citizens? Unfortunately, there is no fare discount for seniors who are non-Bermudians. All seniors who are foreign nationals need to pay the regular adult fare. However, Bermudian seniors who carry special ID cards issued to them, can travel free. 
The tables below show the fares for each type of payment method. 
Ticket (15 nos.)
Ticket (15 nos.)

How to minimize Transport Cost?

Are you confused as to which payment option or combination to use so that you can minimize your transport cost in Bermuda? Don't worry, even we could not do so during our first trip, but learned the trick in our subsequent trips. 
All you need to do is to plan your transport trips in Bermuda meticulously before you arrive. And then look at all the fare payment options to figure out what works best for you. It will depend on the number of trips you make by bus & ferry, number of persons in your group, and the number of accompanying children. 
TIP-1: Ferries also have 14-Zone and 3-Zone fares. In ferries, the 14-Zone fare is applicable for all the longer routes, that is the Blue Route that serves Hamilton & Dockyard, Orange Route serving Dockyard & St. George, and Green Route serving Hamilton & a few western parishes. The 3-Zone fare is applicable only for the shorter Pink Route that serves Hamilton and several small docks in Paget and Warwick. 
TIP-2: Most of your bus & ferry trips in Bermuda would likely involve 14-Zone fares. A 3-Zone fare applies only for a trip distance of less than 6 miles (each zone being about 2 miles). Some zones are shorter than 2 miles, and therefore, a 3-Zone travel might even be for less than 6 miles. 
Below are a couple of examples that should clarify your doubts on how to minimize transport fares. For simplicity,  I am assuming there is no 3-Zone travel involved. 

Example #1

No. of adults: 2, No. of days in Bermuda: 1, No. of one-way trips by each: 4 
Total one-way trips = 2 adults x 4 trips each = 8. If they use tokens, they will need 8 tokens. Total cost for tokens = $ (8 x 4.50) = $36. If they use tickets, they will need one booklet of 15 tickets that costs $37.50 and will have 7 unused tickets. If they use Pass, they will need two one-day passes costing a total of 2 x $19 = $38. 
So, in this case, using tokens would be the cheapest option. However, in case you want to keep some flexibility of undertaking one or more trips, then it's better to buy the pass or a booklet of tickets... there is not much difference in cost anyway. 

Example #2

Number of adults: 2, Child (between age 5-16): 2, No. of days in Bermuda: 2, No. of one-way trips by each: 8 
Total one-way adult trips = 2 adults x 8 trips each = 16. Total one-way child trips = 2 child x 8 trips each = 16. 
If they buy a booklet of 15 adult tickets and a booklet of 15 child tickets, then they will be short by one adult and one child ticket. So, they can additionally buy one adult token and one child token to make up for the gap. The total cost of tickets and tokens = $37.50 + $9.50 + $4.50 + $2.75 = $54.25. 
Instead, if they use two adult and two child passes that are valid for 2 days, that would cost a total of (2 x $31.50) + (2 x $16) = $95, which turns out to be a lot more than the previous option. 
If they consider using only coins, they will need 16 adult coins and 16 child coins. The total cost would be = (16 x $4.50) + (16 x $2.75) = $116. This is a lot more than the previous two options. 
Cash fare is even higher than tokens, so that option is ruled out. I guess it's clear now which payment option to use in this case. 
In case your cruise ship is docked at Royal Naval Dockyard, you might have the question... how do you buy tickets? The Visitor Service Centers do not sell ticket booklets. First, check with your cruise ship if they stock ticket booklets. 
If not, then the easiest way is one of you take the morning ferry to Hamilton Ferry Terminal by paying the fare in cash (one-way ride takes 20 minutes), purchase tickets and return. Alternatively, all of you take the ferry, buy tickets and start rest of your trips from Hamilton if that fits your plan for the day. 

Bus Transfers

Bus transfers are free in Bermuda, however, there are a few points to note here: 
  • You can take a bus transfer to a different bus route at any point where two or more bus routes meet. But a free transfer is allowed only if you continue to your final destination without a stop-over. 
  • Once you board the first bus, pay the fare as applicable for your final destination, which would most likely be a 14-zone fare.  
  • Then immediately let the bus driver know that you want a transfer to your final destination which is served by another bus route. The driver will issue a transfer slip which will show the time by which the transfer must take place and also the Zone number of your final destination. 
  • Once you get off the first bus at the point of transfer, board the next available connecting bus without a halt. The transfer slip shows 15 minutes as the transfer time, which means you will need to take the connecting bus within 15 minutes. 
  • If the time expires, you will need to pay the fare again on the connecting bus... the only exception is if the next available connecting bus takes more than 15 minutes to arrive. 
  • Once you board the connecting bus, show the transfer slip to the driver so that you don't have to pay the fare again. 
  • You can not take more than one bus transfers by paying the fare only once. 
  • If you have a transport pass, then there is no need to bother about transfers and getting a transfer slip from the driver, because the pass anyway allows you for unlimited rides during its validity period. 
  • The most common point of bus transfer is at Hamilton Bus Terminal where most bus routes originate from. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is transfer from ferry to bus or bus to ferry free?
    No. Free transfers are not applicable between ferries and buses. Free transfers are also not applicable within ferry routes, the only exception is when you take a ferry between Hamilton and St. George via Dockyard where you can avail a free transfer to the next leg of the ferry ride.
    Are there long queues at Dockyard Visitors Center?
    On the first day of cruise ship disembarkment, there is usually a long queue at the visitor center. On the subsequent days, the queue is a lot less.
    Are Pass, Tokens and Tickets transferable?
    Yes, they are transferable and anybody in your group can use these.
    Is the monthly pass helpful for tourists?
    If you plan to stay in the island for more than a week (say 15 days) and make regular daily trips, then a monthly pass can be an economical option. However, a monthly pass can be used only within the calendar month printed on it and not across two months.
    Can I use cards for buying a pass, token or tickets?
    Visitors Service Centers and Hamilton Central Bus Terminal accept cards. Some post offices (like the General Post Office in Hamilton City) accept cards and cash, but others accept only cash. Hamilton Ferry Terminal accepts only cash.
    Is US dollar bill accepted on a bus?
    Yes, but tender the exact fare, otherwise you won't get any change back.
    Is there any fare discount for seniors?
    Only Bermudian seniors who carry special ID cards issued to them, ride free in buses and ferries. But seniors who are foreign nationals pay adult fare.
    Is there a fare discount for a child?
    Yes, child under 5 years of age travel free. Child between 5 - 16 years of age, pay discounted fare (nearly half the adult fare).
    What is an easy way to buy a book of tickets from dockyard?
    Take a Blue Route ferry to Hamilton, pay the fare in cash, and buy ticket booklet from Hamilton Ferry Terminal.
    Can I carry a bag or a folding wheelchair on a bus?
    Bus drivers won't allow a large bag or a normal wheelchair onboard a bus. You can carry something which can sit on your lap without interfering with fellow passengers.
    Are buses wheelchair accessible?
    Most buses in Bermuda are not wheelchair accessible.
    Can I board a bus from Bermuda airport?
    Bus routes #1, 3, 10 and 11 serve Bermuda Airport. You can board a bus from the airport, however you can not carry luggage in the bus, unless it's a small bag that can sit on your lap.
    What are the Visitors Service Center open hours?
    Dockyard: Open Monday - Saturday 8:30am - 4pm; Sunday 10am - 4pm. Hamilton: Open Monday to Sunday 10am to 4pm. St. George: Open Monday to Saturday 10am to 4pm (closed on Sundays).
    What are the Hamilton Ferry Terminal open hours?
    Monday to Saturday: 6am - 10pm, Sundays and Holidays: 8am - 7pm.
    What are the Hamilton Bus Terminal open hours?
    Monday to Friday: 7:15am to 7pm, Saturdays: 8am to 6:30pm. Sundays and Public Holidays: 8:30am to 5:30pm.
    Raj BhattacharyaBy Raj Bhattacharya 
    Raj, a seasoned travel writer and Bermuda destination expert, has extensive global travel experience. This website reflects his profound insights, garnered over nearly two decades of dedicated findings and research on the island. Raj has assisted countless Bermuda-bound visitors by providing direct, personalized responses to their queries and imparting his wealth of knowledge through this platform. This site serves as an indispensable guide for those seeking informed and reliable insights into Bermuda's treasures. 
    Know more about Raj Bhattacharya 

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    Have a Question or Comment?

    Linda (June 2024) 
    We are sailing aboard Carnival in September. I read here on your site that we can get a special persons pass/ including seniors for free. We are seniors, how and where do we get this pass. Thank you for the information. 
    Raj ( June 2024 
    Hello, The free bus/ferry pass is applicable for seniors who are Bermudian citizens carrying special Senior Citizen ID cards that have been issued to them. It is unfortunately not applicable for seniors who are foreign nationals.  
    Bernard Huntington (November 2023) 
    My wife and I will be cruising to Bermuda in May 2024.  Do we each need to buy our own ferry/bus pass or can we share one pass? 
    Raj ( November 2023 
    Hello, you can not share a transport pass on the same journey... both of you need to have your own pass. 
    D Williams (February 2023) 
    My wife and I will come by cruise ship from UK for a one day visit in March. We dock at the Naval base. We would like to get the ferry across to Hamilton, perhaps return by bus. How can we get tickets? We can bring Sterling and Euros, also US dollar notes, but no way we can come with dollar coins, so how can we can pay for tickets to use the ferry and bus? 
    Raj ( February 2023 
    Ferries and buses accept 5 US$ notes for a one-way journey, however, if you make a short journey by bus that qualifies for a 3-zone fare which is $3.50 in cash, you won't get the change back. Alternatively, you can walk down to the Visitor Service Center at the Royal Naval Dockyard and use US$ notes or your credit card to buy tokens... these will be cheaper than using cash and they work in both buses and ferries. Tickets are available only in booklets of 15 and you can get them at Hamilton ferry or bus terminals (and not in the dockyard). 
    Kat (June 2019) 
    Can I buy a 3 day pass on Tuesday and wait until Wednesday to begin my consecutive 3 days ending at midnight Friday? I would like to buy everything (tokens and passes) all at once so I don't have to wait in line again. But, a pass for my first day would be a waste as I will have already spent $5 coin on the bus and will only need a token ($4.50) to ferry to my accommodations. From what I understand, St. Georges post office will not sell passes to visitors. Are there any places close to the ferry in St Georges that will sell 3 day passes and tokens? If so, would they take credit or cash only? Thank you again for your dedication in making travel to Bermuda easy for those who prefer to plan every detail. 
    Raj ( June 2019 
    While buying the pass, ask the person at the counter to mark the days on the pass according to your plans (should be consecutive days though). At St. George you can walk down to the Visitors Service Center (25 York Street) to get passes and tokens. They take only cash.  
    Seth Kurn (May 2019) 
    I read on the website that "Tickets that come in booklet of 15 can be more economical. With one booklet of tickets, you can make 15 one way trips." We will be a party of 6 adults and 1 child, and it seems this 15 ticket booklet would suit us best. I think I read that this booklet can be shared among riders? And, is there a time limit that they do not expire (i.e., one day)?  Thank you. 
    Raj ( May 2019 
    Tickets from a booklet of 15 can be shared and they do not expire. 
    Joe R (April 2019) 
    Raj - I've cruised to Bermuda multiple times; love the island! This May I'm coming back again with my wife and one of our adult sons.  Normally we buy a 2-day or 3-day transportation pass at Dockyard. This time, since we will be taking tours from Dockyard and will have the 3rd person with us, and since we will be on Norwegian (so can use the free Norwegian ferry to St. Georges and back), we do not anticipate using public transportation as much.  I'm looking for the most economical fare and it appears to be the 15-stamp book.  Unfortunately, I know this is not sold at Dockyard.  Given all of this, can you verify if the following is true?  If we each buy a 1-day pass the first day, while in Hamilton that afternoon I can buy a single 15-stamp, 14-zone book of stamps.  My wife, son and I can then share those stamps for the next 2 days we are in port, effectively each having 5 one-way trips.  These stamps are good on both the ferries from Dockyard as well as any buses.  Is this all correct?  Thanks! 
    Raj ( April 2019 
    Hi, yes it's all correct :) ... in fact one of you can go down to Hamilton by ferry (paying $5 in cash), buy the book of tickets and get back... that way you can save three 1-day passes. 
    Lisa Beason (March 2019) 
    Is it possible to purchase bus/ferry passes in advance?  I understand the lines can be quite long in the morning when cruise ship passengers disembark. 
    Raj ( March 2019 
    Passes are issued only in the island and can not be purchased in advance unless you can arrange it through somebody in the island. 
    Phil T (January 2019) 
    We will be arriving at airport then taking taxi to Watercolours. It will be Monday afternoon. If we take the Belmont Ferry (near Watercolours) to Hamilton will there be an attendant at ferry to sell token or is it cash only? Unless the BnB has tokens or tickets available we will not have anything but cash or charge card. Originally I had thought I would buy 4 day passes but now am considering 15 ticket book instead. As we might use taxi service for its convenience. Since we are visiting in February darkness might be an issue as Watercolours is not a stop on a  bus route. Taxi could solve that issue. Where in Hamilton can we buy a 15 ticket book with charge card? Can you estimate taxi fare from Hamilton back to Watercolours?  Fare from Watercolours to the south shore beaches? Is there a website that might give me estimates??? Thank you.... 
    Raj ( January 2019 
    Hi, you won't get tokens on-board the ferry. You can pay in cash. You will get books of tickets at the Hamilton ferry terminal or Hamilton main bus terminal. You can use the following link to get taxi fare estimates: 
    Sheila Wood (November 2018) 
    We arrive in Bermuda Friday 1st March on P & O Oriana and on our itinerary it just says Hamilton.  This is what we would like to do 1 - from the ship go to the dockyard 2 - from dockyard to horseshoe bay - 3 return to ship.  There are 2 of us. 
    Question 1 closest place to buy tickets or tokens from ship 
    Question 2 what is the price of tickets or tokens for all journeys 
    Question 3 what is the best to use currency American or Bermuda dollars 
    Question 4 frequency of buses. Many thanks for your help 
    Raj ( November 2018 
    From Hamilton cruise dock, the nearest place to buy tickets/tokens is Hamilton Ferry Terminal (about 10-minute walk). Both American and Bermudian currencies can be used interchangeably everywhere but the difference is usually returned in Bermudian currency. A book of 15 tickets costs $37.50, a token costs $4.50. You will need a ticket or a token for each part of the journey (so four per person for the return journey). If you take a direct bus to Horseshoe from Hamilton, you will need 2 tokens per person. Frequency of bus#7 (for Horseshoe) varies between 20-30 minutes depending on time of the day (more frequent in morning hours). 
    Phil T (November 2018) 
    Will likely buy a 4 day Pass. Are passes a card you carry and show the driver?  A swipe card with magnetic strip?  Paper? Plastic? A touch card like the Oyster Cards in UK?  I take it there is no option of a card you can load with $$, then reload if you need more $? Thank you. 
    Raj ( November 2018 
    Hi, a transportation pass is a paper card with a calendar printed on it where the days for which the card can be used are clearly marked. The type of pass (for example '4 Day Transportation Pass' in your case) would be printed on top. You simply need to show it to the driver. There is no magnetic strip or tap sensors. Unlike an Oyster card, you can not top up (i.e. reload) a Bermuda Transportation Pass because it remains valid for unlimited rides in both buses and ferries during its validity, and therefore this is not a card with reducing balance. However if you later need a pass for more number of days, then you need to buy a new one. 
    Cassandra (August 2018) 
    Good Morning, We'll be arriving at the Naval Dockyard on Wednesday, August 15th. There are 12 of us traveling together. Can we purchase the Ferry Ticket Books at the Naval Dockyard? I've read that you can only purchase the books of 15 in Hamilton. Thanks 
    Raj ( August 2018 
    Hi, book of 15 tickets are available in Hamilton (ferry and bus terminals) as well as in several post offices. You won't get them at the dockyard. 
    Laura Tinny (July 2018) 
    I purchased the Green Transportation passes in 2017 while in Bermuda last trip. I have 4 left.  Are they still good to use on the island?  Have they changed in any way. They told me they would still be good for my next trip and I wanted to be positive as they are paid for.  Thank you so much! 
    Raj ( July 2018 
    Transportation passes are valid only for few days (except the monthly pass). You are likely talking about a pack of green tickets. If that's so, yes they will still be valid and you can use them. 
    Jeff G. (May 2018) 
    If I purchase a single book of 15 tickets, can they be split up with my family for travel on the buses? Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. 
    Raj ( May 2018 
    Yes, tickets can be shared within family but should not be shared with other fellow travelers to share cost. 
    Robert Ezzard (March 2018) 
    Can I buy the bus and ferry pass from my home in Florida before I leave for my cruise? 
    Raj ( March 2018 
    Unfortunately no. There is also no system of online booking of bus/ferry passes. Some cruise lines offer limited pre-purchased passes while on board the cruise ship. 
    Beth Silverman (October 2017) 
    Hello, Can you pay US cash money such as a $5 dollar bill for the Ferry or does it have to be coins? Thank you 
    Raj ( October 2017 
    Hi, by official practice the fares are to be paid in exact change in coins for both buses and ferries. However since the last change in fares, the all-zone fare for adults have been rounded to $5 in cash and the bus drivers or ferry staff would no longer need to return change against $5 bill payment. So most bus drivers and ferry these days accept $5 bill. But if you use dollar bills of higher denominations, do not expect any change back. 
    Ev (October 2017) 
    Will the main bus station in Hamilton accept credit cards for monthly passes or ticket books ? Thank you. 
    Raj ( October 2017 
    Hamilton bus station takes cash and cards. In Hamilton City you can also purchase passes or book of tickets at the General Post Office (#56 Church Street) using credit card. 
    C. D. (September 2017) 
    As of September 25th 2017, Warwick post office, and we assume all PO's sell all forms of bus passes and do take Visa. Purchased them this week. Also, have witnessed all buses accept US dollar bills in addition to coins for fares. Especially near and around the dockyard, Fairmont Southampton, etc. 
    Victor Chow (May 2017) 
    Hi, I will be traveling to St. George on Sunday, September 17 this year, on board a cruise ship.  I understand that the visitor center and post office are not open on Sundays. Are there any other places in St George that sell bus passes, tickets or tokens? Or places for getting coins for cash fares? I and my friend intend to visit Hamilton in the afternoon that day by bus.  I would appreciate it very much if you could provide us with specific locations in St. George for getting the aforementioned items. Thanks. 
    Raj ( May 2017 
    Passes and tokens are sold only by Visitors Information Centers and tickets by post offices. Some hotels keep tokens. If you reach on a Sunday or public holiday, the only option is to use cash (US currency in change is also accepted in buses and ferries). 
    Pat (May 2017) 
    Where in Hamilton can I purchase buss passes with a credit card? 
    Raj ( May 2017 
    Credit cards are not accepted in Hamilton for purchasing passes. 
    Robert (April 2017) 
    Do tickets expire and are they available to purchase anywhere else beside Hamilton? 
    Raj ( April 2017 
    Tickets do not have expiry year written on them. So they can be used until the time Bermuda Govt. invalidates the current books of tickets. It has remained the same for years. Other than in Hamilton, you can get tickets in all Post Offices across the island. 
    Joan Graham (April 2017) 
    Raj.B, Your site is great and so informative. We are 6 little ole ladies arriving at King/s Wharf in Bermuda May 8th, Monday, 2017, and leaving Tuesday at 5pm, from reading your reviews I understand that we can purchase bus tickets at the Water Street Post Office. My question is:  Should we buy a 2 day pass for all zones. Will this allow us to hop on and off the bus and also ride the ferry? We would like to go to the Aquarium, the Perfumery, the Swizzle Inn and of course Hamilton for shopping and catch the ferry to Dockyard. Thank you, 
    Raj ( April 2017 
    Hello, yes you can ride public buses and ferries any number of times with the passes (but not minibuses that are privately run). However note that passes expire at mid night and do not work on 24-hrs basis. So the day you buy the 2-day pass, it will work on that day and next day until mid-night. Depending on number of trips you plan to make, you can calculate which would be more economical - book of tickets or passes. 
    Peg Gawne-Mark (February 2017) 
    I am unsure of the zones etc to get to BAMZ from the cruise ship pier.  Is it less expensive for two seniors to get the day pass at $38 and take the ferry and bus or to buy a ticket booklet?  Also about how long is the trip by bus to the ferry from BAMZ to make sure we get back on time? Thanks. 
    Raj ( February 2017 
    If you have no other plans to travel in the island, then buy 8 all-zone tokens ($4.50 each) from Visitors Information Center at the cruise dock. You can save couple of dollars for two of you compared to passes. Tickets are not available at the dockyard. Once you board the bus from BAMZ, it will take about 20 minutes to drop you to Hamilton ferry. 
    Mike (September 2016) 
    Hi Raj, My family and I are coming to Bermuda by cruise ship in October and I have some questions about travelling by bus/ferry. Can you come from St.  George to Hamilton by bus and then transfer to a ferry to go to the Dockyard for a fee of $5.00. 
    Raj ( September 2016 
    Hi, transfer between bus and ferry is not free. However, bus to immediately next bus connection is free. 
    Daniel (July 2016) 
    Hi Raj, I want to first thank you for maintaining such a great tourism website, it is so useful. We are planning to take the Orange route to St. George on our first day there, could you please tell me where we can get the booklet in St. George? Also, can we pay US dollar coins for the first ferry ride? many thanks, Daniel 
    Raj ( July 2016 
    Hi, You can buy tickets at the Water Street Post Office in St. George (Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm). They should accept us$ coins at the ferry (certainly quarters). 
    Queenae Joell-Stanislaus (June 2016) 
    Reading some of the question from your readers, I came across a few areas, when purchasing tickets or passes if using a credit or debit card one does have to show a photo ID it is government policy. And with the distance between the 14zone ride and 3 zone ride, their is a required space of travel which all drivers are taught in training, so they all know. just thought I inform you of these things, thank you. 
    Gary (May 2016) 
    Does the bus accept dollar coins or just quarters? Thanks for your information in advance. 
    Raj ( May 2016 
    Hi, dollar coins are accepted in Bermuda buses. But if the size is different from Bermuda $1 coins, then the machine may not accept. The drivers are not authorized to handle cash. So better to get quarters. 
    Susan (May 2016) 
    In a couple weeks we will dock at King's Wharf from 2PM Sat. until 3PM Sunday. Is the one day transportation pass good for 24 hours or just the day it is purchased? 
    Raj ( May 2016 
    All passes work until midnight of the day purchased. So in your case, you will need an additional one-day pass for the next day. 
    John McDonald (April 2016) 
    I've been visiting Bermuda since 1966. I'm also a travel agent since that time. I've just read about the adjustment to your transport pass policy. Very interesting that it was announced just prior to the beginning of the cruise season, only to make all my advice to my clients null and void. Has your government gone mad? I certainly understand the frustration that Bermuda citizens endure trying to move about for the few days ships are in port. This is not new, and could have certainly been addressed in a more positive way. Now, transporting thousands of cruise passengers throughout the island will require many more small vehicles that will increase fuel consumption and air pollution and create traffic issues on your beautiful island. Just the opposite of the rest of the world. Can you help explain the real reason behind this and the reason for the last minute announcement?  (I'm visiting three weeks from now and am modifying our shopping and restaurant plans. Advising clients as well). Thanks! 
    Diane Brown (February 2016) 
    My family of 4(2 adults, 2 teens 14,16 yrs old) are coming via NCL in July'16 and will arrive at the dockyard We will stay for 2 1/2 days in Bermuda We would like to purchase transport passes so we have the freedom to travel wherever we like throughout the island Can I purchase these passes at the visitors center in dockyard? Can we charge to a credit card? Will these passes ( ex. 2 day passes for each) allow us to travel via bus and/or ferry for the entire stay without additional fares? Love your site and looking forward to visiting Bermuda in July. 
    Raj ( February 2016 
    Hi, Yes, you can get the passes at the visitors information centers at the dockyard. They have started accepting credit cards here. For the duration of validity, the cards can be used to ride buses and ferries any number of times. 
    Joseph DeMartini (October 2015) 
    We are arriving In Bermuda and docking at Kings Wharf on October 24. To expedite our travel to Hamilton I was planning on purchasing Transport Passes. We arrive at 8:00 AM and my hope is that we can take the second Ferry out of The Dockyard to Hamilton at 9:00 AM that Saturday. Is there anyway to purchase the Transport Passes in advance of arrival and reserve passage for the 9:00 AM Ferry? 
    Raj (, October 2015) 
    You can't buy a transport pass in advance unless you do so through somebody you know in Bermuda or if you book a tour through an operator, you can request them if they can help you with the passes if you pay them in advance through cards. By the way, sometimes you can get transport passes from your cruise line. 
    Miira (September 2015) 
    Hello, I will be staying in Warwick area, and the pink ferry route leaves from near By. So to go north, I will be taking the ferry to Hamilton and continue by bus. My question: Can I have a transfer slip from the ferry to use on the bus or must I buy two separate tickets? (If I have understood correctly, a 14-zone ticket can be used for two buses with a transfer slip that I get from the driver). If I need to buy ferry tickets separately, I believe the pink route takes 3-zone tokens. Can I buy eg. 6 tokens, and use them any day I want? Thank you! 
    Raj (, September 2015) 
    Transfer slips are applicable only for buses, and not between ferry and bus. You must use separate tickets/tokens etc for ferry and bus unless you have a transport pass. Once you buy tokens, you can use them whenever you want (including at a later date). 
    Sheila (September 2015) 
    I read the information about bus passes, tickets, tokens, etc. But I wasn't 100% sure if you can get the ticket booklets in St George, or if you can only get them in Hamilton. If they have them in St George, do I get them at the post office? Thank you so much! 
    Raj (, September 2015) 
    Yes you can get tickets at Water Street Post Office in St. George - short walk from the town square. 
    Marla Oneill (August 2015) 
    Hello Raj, Your site is so helpful and believe me, I checked many! we are a family of 7 interested in purchasing a booklet of transport tickets. We arrive on Sunday so we cannot buy them at the Mangrove location. Our plan is to hit Horseshoe beach that day. Does it make sense to take the 7 bus, have a designated buyer get off in Hamilton and make the purchase somewhere, then continue on another 7 bus to join the others? and while I have your attention, how long is the ferry ride from the Dockyard to Hamilton as opposed to the bus (dependent on traffic, of course). thanks so much! 
    Raj (, August 2015) 
    Hi, Get someone to take the ferry to Hamilton, buy the tickets at Hamilton ferry terminal, and get back by ferry. It takes 20 minutes one way by ferry compared to over 50 minutes by bus. All of you can then take bus #7 for Horseshoe. 
    Marla Oneill (August 2015) 
    Hello Raj, Sorry to bother you again. Following your advice we will head to Hamilton via ferry to get our transportation tickets. Do you know the closest venue to the ferry landing that sells them? I know they are available at a variety of places. Planning on 2 of us taking this mission while the others buy tokens for the trip to the beach where we will meet them and use tickets from that point on. On Monday we ferry to St. George where I assume we can purchase more tickets. Any suggestion as where to do that there would be helpful too. I appreciate your time and expertise. 
    Raj (, August 2015) 
    Hi, you will get the book of tickets at Hamilton Ferry terminal itself, otherwise at Hamilton bus terminal on Washington street. In St. George's, you can get tickets from St. George's Post Office at 11 Water Street (short walk from the town square). 
    Eris (July 2015) 
    Is there any way to pre-purchase a book of 15 tickets and have it sent to to the US or so they have electronics ticketing? I read that cruise lines may have 2 or 3 day passes but a book of 15 tickets would suffice for us. We don't want to wait in line to buy them at the dockyard. 
    Raj (, July 2015) 
    There is no system of pre-purchasing tickets or passes and getting them delivered to your country. Online booking is also not supported. As you are aware, cruise line would have pre-purchased passes but not tickets. By the way, tickets are not available at dockyard. You will get them at post offices or Hamilton bus/ferry terminal. So it's obvious they are not made easily accessible to tourists, as the tourism department would like you to buy passes. 
    Elizabeth Leary (May 2015) 
    Hello Raj, My family and I are coming in on a cruise ship end May. Can I purchace transportation passes before we leave and have them mailed to me? We have little time and I'd hate to waste it waiting in lines at the VIC after we dock. Thanks 
    Raj (, May 2015) 
    Hi, passes are available only in the island. Unfortunately, you can't avoid the queue unless you have a friend here who can buy it on your behalf and mail it to you. 
    Jacques (April 2015) 
    Hello Raj, Can you pay for the 4 days bus/ferry passes by credit card ? thanks 
    Raj (, April 2015) 
    Hi, Dockyard Visitors Information Centers have started accepting credit cards other than cash. 
    Dena Sonneborn (April 2015) 
    Raj- This is very helpful!! We are a family of 7 - four adults, two children, 1 under 5 coming to Bermuda in July. We are coming on a cruise and only get to spend 2 days in Bermuda. We want to take the ferry to St. Georges (Tobacco Beach) on our first day and then go to Horseshoe Bay on our second. So if we buy one ferry book of 15 tickets, we can use them for everyone (including children) and get to and from St. Georges and still have three tickets left? This seems like the most economical way for us to get there. Even buying tokens or paying cash would be more expensive (unless I am missing something) In reading about the bus/minibus issue at Horseshoe Bay, I think we will try and just take the minibuses on our second day. Finally, if we decide to bring some coins for bus fare, do they accept dollar coins or only quarters/nickles/dimes? Appreciate all of the help. I don't want to waste my limited time in Bermuda standing in lines and asking questions to figure this out. 
    Raj (, April 2015) 
    Hi, Your math with the tickets is quite okay, but you might be missing one thing... the tickets are not available at the Visitors Information Centers or anywhere in the dockyard. Do you think people will buy passes then? May be , but only when the math works the other way in some rare cases. The nearest place to get tickets is the Mangrove Bay post office located at Somerset Village and about 8 minutes bus ride from the dockyard. One person from your family can pay one-way fare in change and get to the post office (open on week days 8am to 5pm). All coins are accepted in the buses, but not dollar notes. 
    Anita (April 2015) 
    Hi Raj, Quick question. We will be there for 2 days at the end of this month. We want to make two trips. First day, from the Dockyard to St Georges and back again, and maybe to Hamilton and back on the second day. That would be the only time we would use the Ferry, wouldn't be using the Bus. Would it be cheaper for us to just get Tokens for both trips or the two day pass? Thanks, 
    Raj (, April 2015) 
    Hi,  2-day pass will cost $31.50 per person, while in tokens ($4.50 per one way ride) you will spend only $18 (2 x 4.50 x 2) per person for the two round trips over two days. 
    Tracy Sano (April 2015) 
    Hello again, When we purchase a 3 day transportation pass it allows us unlimited ferry, bus , trolley rides for the 3 days we are there with our cruise ship? Regards, 
    Raj (, April 2015) 
    Trolley is not included in the pass. But there is a free trolley ride available in the dockyard anyway completing a circuit through various landmarks and attractions. One can hop on and off. 
    Carole Sullivan (April 2015) 
    Good morning, I would like to know if I buy bus passes and tickets in June are they still ok in October to use if I have some left? Thank you 
    Raj (, April 2015) 
    Yes passes and tickets will remain okay subject to the following: 
    1) Passes have not been used at all. Passes get activated on first use and expire once the validity period gets over. Tickets will remain valid, 
    2) The transport department comes out with new pass/tickets system or new fares thus making earlier passes, tickets, tokens etc invalid. 
    Jim Wortsman (January 2015) 
    I will be in Bermuda for 1 day on April 28, and am looking at taking the Orange Ferry from the dockyard to St. George, bus #6 from St. George to St. David's Island, bus #6 back to St. George, bus #11 from St. George to Hamilton, and the Blue Ferry from Hamilton back to the dockyard. Is my best option to buy a one-day pass? If so, is it good for all these trips, and what is the current cost? And finally, if so, can I buy it at the ferry terminal at the dockyard when I get there, or is there a better option? 
    Raj (, January 2015) 
    One-day pass will be the best option in your case and will work in all your trips. Costs $15. You can get it at any of the three Visitors Information Centers at the dockyard. 
    Wanda (August 2014) 
    My family and I plan on taking buses and ferries next week in Bermuda, and will be bringing US currency to pay cash the first day we arrive (before we have the chance to buy passes/tokens). I read that only coins are accepted, not dollar bills. Are US dollar coins accepted, or will we need to bring lots of US quarters? Thanks. 
    Raj (, August 2014) 
    All types of change (coins) are accepted in buses and ferries. Only dollar bills (notes) are not accepted. 
    Bob Humphrey (July 2014) 
    I will be at bemuda on july 15, 2014. I will be going to horseshoe beach(1st day), elbow beach (2nd day), and the crystal caves(3rd day). I will need ferry service one day and buses the rest. I might go fishing on my own during one of those 3 days. Their is 4 people in my party, what do you suggest I buy. A 3 day pass, tokens, or tickets. Maybe a combination of tokens and tickets. What is the most economical. I would also like to know if you have a one day pass can more than one person use it that day at separate times. THANKS 
    Raj (, July 2014) 
    For limited use of public transports while travelling together in a group as in your case, tickets in general would be economical. However you may need a few tokens if you are not going to use up all tickets from the last booklet you buy. In your case, 4 of you will make a round trip to a beach on both day1 and day2, so you will need 4 x 2 trips x 2 days = 16 tickets for the first two days. On 3rd day, each one of you will need 2 tickets one way to the caves (ferry + bus), so a total of 16 tickets for day3 (4 x 2 x 2) for the round trip. Therefore for 3 days, you will need 16+16=32 tickets. Each pack has 15 tickets and costs $30. So the most economical option would be to buy 2 packs of tickets and 2 tokens. But remember, in order to buy tickets, you will need to visit a post office or the ferry/bus terminal in Hamilton. And for that you will need to buy additional tokens or pay by cash. A pass is transferable, which means it can be used by more than one persons at separate times as long as it's valid. 
    Edward (May 2014) 
    Does the Visitor Center at King's Wharf accept credit cards or cash for the purchase of 2 day transport passes? If you don't have a pass and you want to pay cash at the ferry what happens if you do not have the exact amount(4.50)? Thanks for your assistance. 
    Raj (, May 2014) 
    Visitors Centers accept only cash. If you pay extra cash at the ferry, if they don't have change, they either won't return the balance or won't accept. 
    Anita Millman (May 2014) 
    Hi Raj...  My question: we're going to be there for two days and may or may not use the Ferry/Bus system on the second day. If we're only going to go to St George's and back, would it make more sense money wise to just get tokens for the round trip? 
    Raj (, May 2014) 
    Anita, If you take the direct ferry to St George from dockyard (Orange route) and return by the same, you will spend only $8 per person on tokens for the round trip compared to $15 for a one-day pass. However do check the timings of the ferry. Orange route ferry has limited runs on certain days. If you go via Hamilton City and combine Ferry and Bus, then pass will be cheaper. But that'll take much longer time (about 1.5 hours compared to 35 minutes by direct ferry). The 3rd option is to take a bus all the way (2 hours). You will need to transfer to another bus in Hamilton, but onward transfers are free. So only two tokens will be used for the round trip totalling to $8 per person. 
    Anne (October 2013) 
    Hi Raj, First, as many have said: your site and your information are great!! Question about transportation options: At one point I really thought I understood the transportation after reading so many comments here and on cruise critic---- I may be a bit confused!! I had planned to buy a 2-day pass for 2 adults to use on bus and ferries. Then reading a few people talk about the economical side of buying the pack of seemed maybe a better choice b/c the way they wrote, it sounded as if the tickets could be used on the bus and ferry. Confusing info as I originally thought tickets were only for the bus?? Is that correct?? 
    Here are my plans...what is best for us?? Thanks so much for helping me untangle my transportation quandary! Will be in port, docked at Kings Wharf for 2 1/2 days on EOS in Oct. (8 am Wed - 4 pm Fri). Planned to: 
    1. one day do your 1/2 day itinerary beach walk for Horseshoe/Warwick (bus to and from) 
    2. one day go to Hamilton to sight see/maybe Coco Reef IF my husband does not go fishing (I am so disappointed no Wed. Street Festival in Oct!) (ferry for transport) 
    3. perhaps St. George to see unfinished church? (ferry) 
    4. "cruise the port, including the pink line" one evening (ferry, 2x if we do pink also??) 
    5. sea glass beach (bus) 
    What do you suggest is most economical transport method for above? Anything else you would suggest we do while in port? I really appreciate your advice on both issues. Many thanks, Raj. 
    Raj (, September 2013) 
    Hi Anne, Let me try to demystify your state of quandary. First, tickets are accepted only in buses and not in ferries. So your initial understanding was right. Ferries accept passes, tokens and also cash (in both Bermuda and US currency, but in exact change). But some tourists unknowingly make wrong use of the tickets. In small ferries like in the Pink route, there is no ticket checker on board. But there is a drop box in the ferry. By dropping a ticket into the box, some think that tickets work in ferries. In larger ferries, there is usually a ticket checker. So if you plan to avail both buses and ferries, then only tickets will not work. Second, tickets come in books of 15 and are available in post offices, Hamilton ferry terminal etc. You won't get them in Visitors Information Centers at the dockyard. So there is a cost involved in reaching a post office (by bus) or the Hamilton ferry terminal (by ferry) and buying the tickets. 
    In your case, whether the passes will work out cheaper or the tokens, will depend on number of trips you plan to make over the 2/3 days. Tokens cost $4 (for each ferry and long bus ride, bus transfers at Hamilton are free), whereas a 3-day pass costs $35. So you need to do a bit of math to figure out which method works out best for you. It is possible that a combination of tickets and tokens may even be a better option. But to get to the best possible option, you need to exactly plan out your local transport requirements in the island. Passes work best for those who go with open ended plans and like to do a lot of island hopping. If you settle with buying tokens, then buy all of them together for your entire stay to avoid unnecessary waits at the counters. There are often long queues. 
    For ferry rides, plan on the Blue Route (for visiting Hamilton from Dockyard and great view of the harbor) and Orange Route (for visiting St George from dockyard and scenic view of north shore). If you plan to visit St George on the same day as Hamilton, then take bus #10 or 11 from Hamilton for St George, and get back to dockyard by ferry (but Orange route ferry service is infrequent and varies on different days of week. So plan based on the ferry timings). Sea Glass beach (Black bay beach) is close to the dockyard and you can visit on the last day. This is a short bus ride and will cost only $2.5 in token. 
    David Wheatley (September 2013) 
    During a recent five day trip to Bermuda, I was all set to purchase a 4 or 7 day bus pass. However, when talking to the lady at the post office, she recommended that I consider the ticket booklets instead. As long as I wasn't planning on jumping on and off buses throughout the day, it could be much more economical to use a ticket for each ride. So three of us, including a child, bought one book of 14 zone tickets, one book of 3 zone tickets and a book of children's tickets for a total of $60. The four day pass option would have cost $110 and five days would have been $137. In fact, the tickets seemed so much more economical, I thought she was giving me the wrong price! All we needed to do was be aware to use a 3 zone ticket for short trips, and save the 14 zone ticket for long trips, and plan our routes so that we travelled in an efficient manner. As a bonus, a trip across the island requires a transfer in Hamilton, which allows for a few hours break, so we could visit Hamilton en-route to another destination without requiring an extra ticket. You also need to be aware that a ferry requires token, cash or pass; bus transfers don't apply. 
    Eileen Clark (September 2013) 
    I have transport passes purchased in June 2012. Coming to Bermuda this October. Can I use them. They have not been punched. It poured the day we bought them so we hung around at dockyard. 
    Raj (, September 2013) 
    Hi, Unused transport passes do not usually expire. The expiry period starts from the day of first usage. Which means you can purchase a bus/ferry pass and start using it any time later. However there are exceptions. If the fares have increased, then the pass won't be accepted in buses or ferries. Another example of an exception is a monthly pass which stays valid only for the calendar month printed on it and not beyond that. In your case, the pass won't work because there has been a fare revision in April 2013. Regards, 
    Debra Mills (August 2013) 
    Hello, I'm having trouble finding an answer to this question. When you purchase a 2 or 3 day adult pass, is it valid for that 24hour period. i.e. if a 2 day pass is purchased at 8am Tuesday, is it only valid until midnight Wednesday?? Thank you for your kind attention. 
    Raj (, August 2013) 
    Hi, First, the validity time of the bus/ferry pass in Bermuda starts when you use it for the first time in a bus or a ferry and NOT when you purchase it. For example if you purchase a 3-day pass in advance and start using it after couple of days, it will still work for 3 days from the time you start using it. Second, the bus/ferry pass does NOT work on 24-hour basis. A one day pass remains valid until 12 midnight of the day of use. A 2-day pass will remain valid until the midnight of the second day. So for example, a 2-day pass which is first used at 11am Tuesday, is only valid until midnight Wednesday and NOT until 11am Thursday. Hope this helps in understanding. Regards, 
    Harriet Nathan (August 2013) 
    Are the passes or tokens interchangeable on the blue and pink bus lines? Also, is the fare the same for the ferry as for the bus. My sister and I am going to Bermuda for the 1st time at the end of September (on the NCL Breakaway) and we're not sure what we should do. Thank you. 
    Raj (, August 2013) 
    Hi, Passes and tokens work on all buses as well as ferries. If you buy a pass (say for 2 days), then you can hop on and off the buses as well as ferries any number of times for two days. One token can be used for one way journey both in a bus and ferry. A pass is a great option if you plan to avail the buses and/or ferries several times a day for touring around the island or beach hopping etc. If you just want to go to a beach, spend the day and come back to your cruise ships, then tokens will be more economical. 
    There are no pink or blue bus lines. The bus stops in Bermuda have poles jutting out of the ground that are either pink or blue in color. When you see a bus stop with a pink pole, it means the buses you will get here would be heading back to Hamilton. A blue pole means the bus is coming from Hamilton and going towards other destinations in its route. The route number and final destination will be displayed in front. Note that all bus routes (with the exception of route #6) start from Hamilton City and return to Hamilton. 
    Hope this helps in understanding the bus and ferry system. 
    Rogers Patton (August 2013) 
    I just read on your website that seniors ride the bus and ferry free. Is this any senior, or just Bermuda citizen seniors? I don't want to ride free...I just don't want to waste time at the Dockyard waiting in line for the transportation pass. This will be our 28th trip to Bermuda (we seriously like your island) and we don't want to waste a minute. 
    Raj (, August 2013) 
    Free rides in buses and ferries are applicable only for Bermuda Senior Citizens, not for tourists. Have a great time in Bermuda! 
    Janet Ablauf (August 2013) 
    Can you buy the day passes (for buses and ferrys) at the visitor center at the dockyard using a credit card or do you have to use cash? 
    Raj (, August 2013) 
    Hi, Only cash is accepted at the visitors centers. 
    Tammy Iannelli (August 2013) 
    Hello-My two children (21 and 20 yrs) will be arriving on the Explorer on Monday, Aug 19 and would like to spend the day at Horseshoe Beach and the following day take a ferry to Hamilton. I've been reading about lines to buy tokens or tickets and want to know what you advise. Will they need to buy tokens for the bus ride to the beach and can they also buy the same day at the same place a token or ticket for the ferry to save time the next day? Or should they reverse their trip to save time somehow? Since they are young and this is their first trip to Bermuda, I'm trying to help them figure out some details beforehand and appreciate your help! thank you! 
    Raj (, August 2013) 
    Hi, Tickets come in a book of 15 and are not available at the dockyard. The most convenient option is to buy a 2-day pass (costs $25 each) which will give them unlimited access to both buses and ferries over two days. They can get the passes at the dockyard visitors information centers (located very close to the cruise ship piers). There are three such centers in the dockyard and if they see long queues in one of them, they can walk across to the other ones. Regards, 
    Tina Barney (August 2013) 
    Raj, thank you so much for all the information you have already provided. I have learned so much already. I would like to ask your recommendation to purchase bus/ferry passes on a Sunday. We will be arriving on a ship with many others and would like to avoid large wait times if possible. Thank you 
    Raj (, August 2013) 
    Hi, On Sundays the post offices are closed. So you can buy the passes either at the Visitors Information Centers at the dockyard (may require some wait time), or take a ferry to Hamilton and buy it from the ferry terminal there (ferries have started taking cash in exact change). 
    Jim Finney (July 2013) 
    It sounds like the ticket books for buses/ferries are not intended for Dockyard cruise ship passengers, as it appears there is no place to buy ticket books at the Dockyard? Or if so, please let me know where. Thanks. 
    Raj (, July 2013) 
    Hi, You won't get the ticket books at the Visitors Information Centers in dockyard. Go down to the nearest post office (either at Somerset or Mangrove Bay, 8am - 5pm on weekdays) by paying exact fare in cash or using tokens. You will get the ticket books there. Ticket books are also available at the bus and ferry terminals in Hamilton. 
    Helen Cramer (June 2013) 
    We will be arriving at the Bermuda Airport on Thursday July 11th Where is the closest location to purchase bus and ferry passes . Thank you for your time. 
    Raj (, June 2013) 
    Hi, Passes are no longer available at Bermuda airport. Depending on your place of stay in the island, ask the taxi driver to stop at a post office along the way. You will get bus/ferry passes in a post office. Note that post offices (other than the General Post office in Hamilton) are open on weekdays from 8am to 5pm. While the closest ones to the airport are St George's or St David's Post Office, but it may turn out to be in the opposite direction to your hotel. So ask the driver for the nearest one along the way. If you are going towards west from St George, then Bailey's Bay Post Office in Hamilton Parish can be one you may try. Regards, 
    Tammy Frank (June 2013) 
    Hello - we are traveling on a cruise to King's Wharf and interested in Transport Passes. Can we purchase with US currency or do we need to exchange currency before purchasing? 
    Raj (, June 2013) 
    You can purchase the passes using US currency. In fact US currency can be used freely anywhere in Bermuda. However they might return the change in Bermuda currency. 
    Jo Osmer (April 2013) 
    We will be arriving in Bermuda at Kings Wharf on July 3rd on NCL's Breakaway. We are interested in taking the ferry to Harbour Nights in Hamilton that evening. We are a party of 14. My question is when you purchase a book of 15 tickets for $30, can the tickets be used by different people or would the book of 15 tickets be issued in a specific person's name? Thanks for your help. 
    Raj (, April 2013) 
    Hi, Tickets from a book can be used by different people. 
    Sharon Ann Kern (September 2012) 
    I will be in Bermuda on a cruise shortly. There was a time when you could get a "pass" on board ship, but I do not know if this is still a possibility. I do not "relish" waiting in a queue @ Dockyard on the day we arrive with two thousand (2000) other passengers waiting to purchase a pass. I am meeting friends and will need to travel to Hamilton and then "catch" the Pink Line to Paget. The way the schedules are set up, I do not know if I will have the time to stand in a long queue waiting to buy a pass and still make the ferries.  
    Any suggestions? A quick reply would be appreciated. Thank you 
    Raj (, September 2012) 
    Hi Sharon, If possible, ask one of your friends in Bermuda to buy a pass in advance and send it to you by post. You pay when you meet them. I don't know if that's possible though. Note that the time to expiry for a pass starts when you first use it. 
    Another option is to take a bus (#7 or 8) from the dockyard for Hamilton City. You can ride a bus by paying exact fare in cash. Hamilton fare would be $4.50 in cash. It takes about 1 hour to reach Hamilton city (this can be a lot faster compared to ferry if there is a long queue out there for the passes). Once you reach Hamilton City, buy a pass from the Visitor Information Center located there. Regards, 
    Clare Asson (May 2012) 
    I am visiting Bermuda for 3 weeks in the summer. Please can you advise the best type of pass to have for buses and ferries.  I will be staying at Watford Bridge. Also, can I obtain the pass before my visit, or can you advise the nearest location to Watford Bridge that sells them. Many thanks and kind regards. 
    Raj/ (May 2012) 
    Hi Clare, For 3 weeks stay, you will need to purchase a monthly pass. If you are not planning to use the small ferry stops at Warwick and Paget, then you can buy a pass without the Pink Ferry route for $55. The Pink route is usually meant for the locals and office commuters resident in those areas. 
    You will need to buy the pass in Bermuda and by paying cash. You can't buy the pass in advance unless someone you know purchases it for you. Since you will be staying at Watford Bridge area, the nearest place to buy a pass would be the Post Office at Somerset Village (Mangrove Bay Post Office, 55 Mangrove Bay Road, Sandy's Parish. Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm, Phone: 441/234-0423). You can also take a bus (#7 or 8), pay fare in cash and go to the dockyard Visitors Information Center and buy the pass. 
    Also note that there is a ferry stop at the Watford Bridge. It falls on the Blue Ferry route. However it is a commuters ferry and comes to Watford Bridge only on the week days and that too during the early morning and evening hours. Otherwise the blue route operates directly between the dockyard and Hamilton city. Regards, 
    Tulan (May 2012) 
    Hello Raj, Thank you for responding to queries so fast for everyone and you making life so much easier for us to visit Bermuda. My question was that if we cannot buy tickets on the ferry then where do we buy tickets from .. My cruise is coming to Dockyard and there is no place there that sells tickets to Hamilton or St George.. they sell only passes. 
    Hi Tulan, You will get tokens and passes from the Dockyard Visitors Information Center to ride ferries. Ferries take tokens ($4 one way) and passes. 
    David and Liz Mullan (Dec 2011) 
    For fifteen years, we have come to Bermuda and always enjoyed the bus and ferry services greatly. Indeed, it is one of the aspects of Bermuda that brings us back. Today, we learned that the standard bus and ferry three day pass no longer includes the Paget-Warwick Ferry and also that there are no longer printed bus schedules. We found both of these changes very disappointing and surely counterproductive in terms of the use of public transport by tourists. 
    Robin Macpherson 
    For many years we could buy the bus tickets at the airport when we arrived in Bermuda. I don't know why they stopped doing this because it makes it so inconvenient for visitors to get the tickets on the weekends. By the time we get to our hotel - where they don't sell the tickets - we are too far away from any terminals. It is also nice to be able to take the bus right from the airport with those bus tickets. Otherwise a day or 2 goes by before we get around to buying them, and we no longer need a 7 day bus ticket. At that point it is easier to just rent a scooter. 
    Tracy Morris 
    Bought 2 three day passes at $28 each. Transportation workers went on strike the third day and was refused a refund. Cruise ship was leaving so I was unable to pursue. Will not return to Bermuda unless I get refund or adjustment. I am asking Bermuda Public Transport to contact me regarding this. There was a kiosk next to the ship where I bought tickets #328825 and 328826. Myself and another passenger stopped there and asked the woman with glasses (whom I think sold me the tickets) about a refund. She said no refunds would be given and her manner indicated there was no possibility of going elsewhere to get refunds (nor was a place to get refunds posted on the outside of the building). This was at approximately 1 PM. At dinner that night, after the ship had sailed, one other person said they had gotten a $10 refund on their three day pass by going somewhere else besides the place where we bought it and had found this out by accident. Do I have a chance of getting $20 back on the two tickets I bought?  I hate the thought of notifying Princess who's passengers and docking fees drop a lot of money in Bermuda every week. Our plans had included spending a good deal of money away from the dock area.