Map of St George Parish Bermuda

St George's is the eastern most parish of Bermuda. The parish has two major islands of similar size - The St. George Island covering northern and western part of the parish and St. David's Island circling south and east. The St. George's parish area is shown shaded and bordered in the map below. 
There are two harbors in St. George's parish. St George Harbor where the cruise ship terminal is located and the picturesque Castle Harbor. The Bermuda International Airport is also located in this parish. St. George's Town, the UNESCO World Heritage site is the heartland of the parish. 
As you walk around the narrow meandering lanes of St George's Town, you will go back to centuries old history of Bermuda. Tobacco Bay Beach, one of our favorite snorkeling beaches in Bermuda is in St George and can be easily seen on the map below. As you zoom the map, you can see many other attractions like the St Catherine Fort, St Peter's Church and lot more. 
Road Map 
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Raj BhattacharyaBy Raj Bhattacharya 
Raj, a seasoned travel writer and Bermuda destination expert, has extensive global travel experience. This website reflects his profound insights, garnered over nearly two decades of dedicated findings and research on the island. Raj has assisted countless Bermuda-bound visitors by providing direct, personalized responses to their queries and imparting his wealth of knowledge through this platform. This site serves as an indispensable guide for those seeking informed and reliable insights into Bermuda's treasures. 
Know more about Raj Bhattacharya 

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1) Check out Town of St George Map to see a blown up map of St George Town Bermuda. 
2) Check out Bermuda Parish Map to know the location of St. George's relative to the other parishes in Bermuda. 
3) Check out St George's Town to know about the historical Town of St. George, its attractions, activities, restaurants, hotels and more. 
4) Check out St. George's Parish to know about the parish where the town of St. George is located and all its attractions and activities.