Bermuda Historical Events

Here is a snapshot of the chronological events in Bermuda's history: 
1511 Bermuda was named after the Spanish captain Juan de Bermudez who is known to be the first discoverer of Bermuda. 
1609 The flag ship Sea Venture of Sir George Somers had to be navigated to Bermuda due to a severe storm. Sent by the Virginia Company, he was leading a team of 150 sailors and settlers towards a new English colony Jamestown. But the ship got wrecked by a reef near Bermuda (St George). However all on board survived, managed to come on shore and stayed in Bermuda for 10 months. 
1610 The settlers create two new ships - the Deliverance and Patience. They then once again set sail for Jamestown leaving behind three men to retain claim of the island. There was another disaster awaiting for those who set sail. On arrival in Jamestown they find that almost all the population of the colony has already died out of starvation. George Somers returns to Bermuda to get more food supply, but falls sick and dies. 
1612 The Virginia Company of England sent a party of 60 settlers under the command of Sir Richard Moore, the island's first governor. They joined the three men that were left behind earlier by Somers to maintain the claim of the island. Once the new group of settlers reached, they founded and commenced construction of the town of St. George. 
1620 A representative government was introduced in Bermuda. The administrative authority was given to a Bermuda company. House of Assembly held its first session in St. Peters Church, and Bermuda became a self-governing British colony.  
1620s First slaves were brought into the island soon after the British colony was formed. 
1684 The Bermuda company is dissolved and Bermuda Government takes back the control. 
1775 100 barrels of gunpowder was stolen and loaded onto American ships waiting offshore near St. George. The gunpowder was taken back to America and used against the British during the American War of Revolution. Read the full story of Gunpowder plot here
1804 Irish poet Thomas Moore visits Bermuda.  
1809 The construction of Royal Naval Dockyard (the British navy base) starts. 
1815 Bermuda’s capital moves from St George to Hamilton City.  
1834 Slavery in Bermuda is abolished and all slaves freed.  
1844 Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, the oldest cast iron lighthouse in the world, is constructed.  
1861 US Civil War begins and Bermudians make their fortune ferrying supplies and arms.  
1883 Queen Victoria's daughter Princess Louise visits Bermuda. Her visit helps promote Bermuda as a tourist destination.  
1941 The United States takes on lease a large part of the island for 99 years and begin construction of military base.  
1963 The Progressive Labor Party, Bermuda’s first political party, is formed out of the black labor movement.  
1964 United Bermuda Party is formed to represent whites and businesses.  
1968 First election under a new constitution is held. The United Bermuda Party wins.  
1973 Governor Richard Sharples and his aide are assassinated. His body lies in St Peter’s Church
1977 Buck Burrows gets convicted for the Governor’s murder and is hanged. This triggered widespread riots in Bermuda. 
1995 US Navy and British Royal Navy close their bases in Bermuda.  
2000 Town of St George added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List.  
Raj BhattacharyaBy Raj Bhattacharya 
Raj, a seasoned travel writer and Bermuda destination expert, has extensive global travel experience. This website reflects his profound insights, garnered over nearly two decades of dedicated findings and research on the island. Raj has assisted countless Bermuda-bound visitors by providing direct, personalized responses to their queries and imparting his wealth of knowledge through this platform. This site serves as an indispensable guide for those seeking informed and reliable insights into Bermuda's treasures. 
Know more about Raj Bhattacharya 

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